Ödet för besättningen av Envoy i Heinleins främling i ett konstigt land


Det har varit ett tag sedan jag har läst Stranger i ett konstigt land , men var

cause or nature of the deaths of the Envoy's crew revealed?

uppsättning BrianClayton 26.03.2012 16:38

2 svar


I slutet av kapitel 4 berättar Jill en del av historien som han fick från någon som läste envoys loggen.

Dr. Ward Smith delivered his wife of child by Caesarian section - and she died on the table. He seems to have worn his horns complacently until then. But what he did next shows that he knew the score; with the same scalpel he cut Captain Brant's throat - then he cut his own.

Förutom det tror jag inte hur de dödades specifikt. Det framgår av en rapport från mästaren:

Rocket Ship Envoy located. No survivors.

Att all sändebudets ursprungliga besättning var död.

svaret ges 26.03.2012 17:08

Det var 8 personer på Envoy, det ursprungliga uppdraget (del ett, ch I):

Captain Michael Brant, commanding—pilot, astrogator, relief cook, relief photographer, rocketry engineer;

Dr. Winifred Coburn Brant, forty-one, semantician, practical nurse, stores officer, historian;

Mr. Francis X. Seeney, twenty-eight, executive officer, second pilot, astrogator, astrophysicist, photographer;

Dr. Olga Kvalic Seeney, twenty-nine, cook, biochemist, hydroponicist;

Dr. Ward Smith, forty-five, physician and surgeon, biologist;

Dr. Mary Jane Lyle Smith, twenty-six, atomics engineer, electronics and power technician;

Mr. Sergei Rimsky, thirty-five, electronics engineer, chemical engineer, practical machinist and instrumentation man, cryologist;

Mrs. Eleanora Alvarez Rimsky, thirty-two, geologist and selenologist, hydroponicist.

Tre av dem redovisas (del I, ch IV):

“It’s a nasty story. I got that much before my informant sobered up. Dr. Ward Smith delivered his wife by Caesarean section—and she died on the table. What he did next shows that he knew the score; with the same scalpel he cut Captain Brant’s throat—then his own. Sorry, hon.”

Jill shivered. “I’m a nurse. I’m immune to such things.”

“You’re a liar and I love you for it. I was on police beat three years, Jill; I never got hardened to it.”

“What happened to the others?”

“If we don’t break the bureaucrats loose from that log, we’ll never know—and I am a starry-eyed newsboy who thinks we should. Secrecy begets tyranny.”

Såvitt jag kan säga, nämns inte de övriga fem besättningsmedlemmarna ytterligare. Inte ett mycket tillfredsställande svar, men det är det. Om inte Heinlien svarade på någon annan plats är ödet för resten av Envoy s besättning okänt.

svaret ges 06.08.2014 01:35