Är fusk bonusen begränsad av rustningstyp? [stängd]


Är fingerfärdighetsbonusen i AD & D-spelet begränsat av rustningstyp?

Ta till exempel en fighter med en DEX på 18 i fullplansar. Får han / hon full -4 till reflex?

uppsättning greg 04.09.2014 01:55

1 svar


Om du inte bara är förvirrad och verkligen talar om AD & D: s första upplagan, nej, har inte rustningen påverkan på Reaction / Attacking Adjustment eller Defensive Adjustment . Faktiskt, precis under fingerfärdstabellen har det ett explicit exempel ...

Defensive Adjustment refers to the penalty or bonus applicable to a character’s saving throws against certain forms of attack (such as fire ball, lightning bolts, etc.) due to dodging ability. It also applies to the character‘s parrying and/or dodging ability in missile or melee combat; in this case the penalty subtracts from the armor class (q.v.) of the character, making him or her easier to hit, while the bonus adds to the defensive value of the character’s armor class, making him or her harder to hit. For example, a character with plate mail and shield is normally treated as armor class 2; if the character has 3 dexterity, there is a +4 penalty, so the armor class changes to 6 (2 + 4). However, if the same character has a dexterity of 18, there is a bonus of -4, so armor class changes from 2 to a -2 (2 + -4 = 1, 0, -1, -2).

svaret ges 04.09.2014 02:15