Vad är ett galaktiskt kredit värt?


Jag gör ett projekt för skolan och undrade vad Star Wars-krediter är värda. Jag har hittat vad det skulle kosta att fyll i millenniefalken men det hjälper inte mig att uppskatta vad den faktiska köpkraften för en enda kredit är.

Vad kan jag köpa med ett enda galaktiskt kredit som jag kanske känner igen?

uppsättning Kevin Clark 20.02.2018 21:20

1 svar


I verkliga termer verkar det galaktiska kreditet vara ungefär analogt med en amerikanska dollar, även om vissa objekt kommer att bli massivt billigare till följd av droidarbete eller massivt dyrare beroende på den relativa köpkraften hos din kredit, ditt avstånd från riket / republiken och sällsyntheten hos objektet du köper.

Det är också värt att skilja mellan Republic Credits (som inte alla accepterar), Imperial Credits (som verkar allmänt acceptabla överallt) och New Republic Credits (som är ganska meningslösa).

  • Enligt Rebel in the Ranks köper en enda kredit dig en raffle-biljett.

    “Hi,” one of them said breathlessly. “We’re selling raffle tickets to raise funds for our Junior Academy camping trip in the Westhills. Would you like to buy one? It’s for a good cause and a ticket is only one credit.”

  • Sex krediter kommer att köpa dig en måltid på Five Points Station

    One hundred credits. She had to make it last. But first: food. Jyn slipped out of the reeking public bathroom stall and headed deeper into the station. She clung to the outer perimeter of the main floor, where the shops were smaller but cheaper. A bodega built between two towers of residential cubes looked local enough not to extort her too badly. She bought a can of nutritive milk that was dusty on top and a tube of dehydrated vegetable protein straws. Not the tastiest but definitely the healthiest, most filling option; this would last her the whole day if she was careful. Food was important. Hunger would make her careless, an easy target. Food and sleep were vital to survival. Ninety-four credits left.

    Rebel Rising

  • Ett rum för natten kostar dig 13 poäng.

    Maybe they just want to rob me, she thought. But she couldn’t be sure. An inn had rooms for rent, and Jyn passed over more of her meager supply of credits.
    Sixty-seven left.

    Rebel Rising

  • En burk av bugspray kommer att sätta dig tillbaka fyra krediter (på en säljare marknad)

    “Nazgorigan’s patented bug repellent. Guaranteed to make the little bugs buzz off. How many would you like?”
    “Sorry?” Lina asked.
    “How many would you like to buy? You won’t get far on Thune without one can or seven. Unless you like scratching yourself until you’re raw, yes?”
    “Okay, we’ll take one,” Milo said, pulling a credit chip from his pocket. “How much?”
    “Four credits each,” the alien replied.
    “Four credits? That’s a bit expensive!” Milo said.

    Adventures in Wild Space

  • Två alkoholhaltiga drycker i Alcazar kostar dig tio poäng.

    “Two drinks. I’ll have a…” He turns to the Twi’lek. “You first, friend. What are you having?”
    The Twi’lek looks nervous.
    Sinjir makes a face. “He’ll have an ale. I need something stronger. You got ahh, let’s see. Jogan fruit brandy?”
    “Kind of a fancy place you think this is?” the bartender rumbles. “I got ale. More ale. Other ale. Different ale. Grog. And starfire ’skee.”
    “I’ll take that last decoction, then. A jorum of ’skee for me.”
    The bartender grumbles. Begins pouring a glass of something brown and muddy before sliding a bottle of foaming ale to the Twi’lek. “That’ll be ten credits.”

    Star Wars: Aftermath

svaret ges 21.02.2018 00:26