Harry tycktes åtminstone att Karkaroff och Madame Maxime skulle stanna på Hogwarts hela året:
"What d'you reckon'll happen to the ones who aren't chosen?" Ron muttered to Harry as the veela-girl dropped her parchment into the Goblet of Fire. "Reckon they'll go back to school, or hang around to watch the tournament?"
"Dunno," said Harry. "Hang around, I suppose.... Madame Maxime's staying to judge, isn't she?"
Det skulle vara meningsfullt att cheferna inte skulle ständigt resa fram och tillbaka eftersom det finns olika dolda och skyddade på Hogwarts som förmodligen måste anpassas varje gång de återvänder.
Dessutom är det verkligen så viktigt för skolans chef att vara på campus? Går igenom serien, vad har Dumbledore faktiskt gjort i egenskap av rektor? Inte mycket, från det vi ser åtminstone. Och en del av vad han gör gör kan förmodligen ske på distans också. I Half-Blood Prince tar han uppenbarligen långvarig frånvaro från skolan, och det enda problemet som människor tycks ha är att skolan lämnas mindre skyddad:
"What!" said Ron, goggling at Hermione. "But Hogwarts is safer than their homes, bound to be! We've got Aurors, and all those extra protective spells, and we've got Dumbledore!"
"I don't think we've got him all the time," said Hermione very quietly, glancing toward the staff table over the top of the Prophet. "Haven't you noticed? His seat's been empty as often as Hagrid's this past week."
Harry and Ron looked up at the staff table. The headmaster's chair was indeed empty. Now Harry came to think of it, he had not seen Dumbledore since their private lesson a week ago.
"You're leaving the school tonight and I'll bet you haven't even considered that Snape and Malfoy might decide to —"
"To what?" asked Dumbledore, his eyebrows raised. "What is it that you suspect them of doing, precisely?"
"I ... they're up to something!" said Harry and his hands curled into fists as he said it. "Professor Trelawney was just in the Room of Requirement, trying to hide her sherry bottles, and she heard Malfoy whooping, celebrating! He's trying to mend something dangerous in there and if you ask me he's fixed it at last and you're about to just walk out of school without —"
Så det skulle nog inte vara så galet att Madame Maxime och Karkaroff lämnade sina skolor för ett helt år (det fanns inget överhängande hot från Voldemort / Death Eaters på den tiden.)