hva valde doktorn ansiktet på Lobus Caecilius [duplicat]


I bränderna i Pompeii möter doktorn Lobus Caecilius

CAECILIUS: Who are you?

DOCTOR: I am Spartacus.

DONNA: And so am I. CAECILIUS: Mister and Mrs Spartacus.

DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no. We're not, we're not married.

DONNA: We're not together.

CAECILIUS: Oh, then brother and sister? Yes, of course. You look very much alike.

Efter att ha sparat honom från vulkanen vid jul 2013 återkommer doktorns tid till Lobus ansikte, sedan i serie 8 avsnitt 1 Deep Breath börjar han undra varför han väljer detta ansikte.

DOCTOR:Er, have you seen this face before?


DOCTOR: Are you sure?

BARNEY: Sir, I have never seen that face.

DOCTOR: It's funny, because I'm sure that I have. You know, I never know where the faces come from. They just pop up. Zap. Faces like this one. Come on, look at it, have a look, come on, look, look, look. (The Doctor pulls Barney over to look in the mirror on the ground.)

DOCTOR: Look, it's covered in lines. But I didn't do the frowning. Who frowned me this face? Do you ever look in the mirror and think I've seen that face before?


DOCTOR: Really? When?

BARNEY: Well, every time I look in the mirror.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, yes, yes. Fair enough. Good point. My face is fresh on, though.

BARNEY: Er (Barney moves away from the nutter in the nightshirt.)

DOCTOR: Why this one? Why did I choose this face? It's like I'm trying to tell myself something. Like I'm trying to make a point. But what is so important that I can't just tell myself what I'm thinking?

Sedan i serie 9 avsnitt 5 The Girl Who Died börjar han inse varför han väljer detta ansikte

DOCTOR:I'm not supposed to. Oh. Oh! (He looks at his reflection in the water and sees what he saw in the mirror back in Deep Breath.)

CLARA: What? What's wrong?

DOCTOR: My face.

DOCTOR [memory]: Who frowned me this face? Why this one? Why did I choose this face?

CLARA: Doctor, what's wrong with your face?

DOCTOR: I think I know why I chose it.

DOCTOR [memory]: It's like I'm trying to tell myself something.

DOCTOR: I think I know what I'm trying to say.

DONNA [memory]: (to Doctor 10) Just someone. Not the whole town. Just save someone.

DOCTOR 10 [memory]: Come with me. (A memory of Lobus Caecilus cowering as Vesuvius erupts in Fires of Pompeii. Played by Peter Capaldi, if you'd forgotten.)

DOCTOR: I know where I got this face, and I know what it's for.

CLARA: Okay, what's it for?

DOCTOR: To remind me. To hold me to the mark. I'm the Doctor, and I save people. (He shouts at the sky - the Time Lords.)

DOCTOR: And if anyone happens to be listening, and you've got any kind of a problem with that, to hell with you!

som fick mig att tänka varför valde doktorn Lobus Caecilius ansikte? var det som påminnelse att rädda människor vad det var

uppsättning Andrew Casali 14.04.2016 05:03

2 svar


Du har svaret där i dina citat:

DOCTOR: I know where I got this face, and I know what it's for.
DOCTOR: To remind me. [...] I'm the Doctor, and I save people.

Han valde ansiktet på mannen han räddade från Pompeji, för att påminna sig om att han sparar människor.

svaret ges 14.04.2016 05:11

Serie 4-avsnittet Pompeiens bränder

featured a guest appearance of Peter Capaldi, who would later portray the twelfth incarnation of the Doctor, and the fact he shared the appearance of a character in this story was not ignored. This would become an important aspect of that Doctor's identity when he made the connection that his face was taken from someone he previously met.

Serie 9-avsnittet Tjejen som dött

was notable for revealing the origins of the Twelfth Doctor's face: he had unknowingly taken on the likeness of Lobus Caecilius, a man whose life the Tenth Doctor had saved.

Från Lobus Caecilius Tardis Wikia-sida :

The Doctor later took on the face of Caecilius when he regenerated into his twelfth incarnation. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) Although unsure why his new face appeared familiar at first (TV: Deep Breath), he came to realise that it was to remind himself that his purpose as the Doctor was to always save people — no matter how impossible or "wrong" it might seem. (TV: The Girl Who Died)

I The Girl Who Died :

the Doctor discovers that using the Mire helmet has drained Ashildr's heart, leaving her dead. The Doctor is left brooding about the loss, with Clara trying to comfort him, saying he couldn't save her. He snaps back, saying he can do anything, but the Laws of Time prevent him from doing so. then he starts Looking at his reflection, the Doctor suddenly remembers back to when he first saw it, wondering once more "who frowned me this face?" It's at that moment that the memory comes back to him; Donna Noble had encouraged him to always try to at least save someone even in a fixed point, and he saved Lobus Caecilius' family from Pompeii's destruction. He tells Clara that he chose this face to remember to always save someone, no matter how impossible or wrong it seemed. The Doctor then yells to the sky:

"I'm the Doctor, and I save people. And if anyone happens to be listening, and you've got any kind of a problem with that, to hell with you!"

The Doctor had previously wondered where he had gotten his face, and had theorised he was trying to tell himself something. (TV: Deep Breath) He finally realises his face matches that of Lobus Caecilius and that the message he was telling himself was to save a person, even if it meant breaking the rules of time. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)

svaret ges 14.04.2016 05:20