Den motsvarande scenen från filmens novellerisation gör det tydligt klart att droiden ifråga var i smärta som ett resultat av dess sensorkretsar "smältning:
An agonized electronic scream, like the sound of stripping gears, drew their attention to the corner of the room. From out of the mist walked EV-9D9, a thin humanlike robot with some disturbingly human appetites. In the dimness behind Ninedenine, Threepio could see the legs being pulled off a droid on a torture rack, while a second droid, hanging upside down, was having red-hot irons applied to its feet; it had emitted the electronic scream Threepio heard a few moments earlier, as the sensor circuits in its metal skin melted in agony. Threepio cringed at the sound, his own wiring sympathetically crackling with static electricity.
Du kanske också vill notera att enligt filmens skript , att "soptunna" droid är faktiskt en "power droid", ett slags mobil batteri:
A second power droid is upside down. As smoking branding irons are pressed into his feet, the stubby robot lets out an agonized electronic scream. Artoo and Threepio cringe as the guard grunts to EV- 9D9.
När det gäller den bredare frågan om hur droider känner smärta i Star Wars-universum vet vi att C-3PO verkligen gör det.
- En scen i romanisering av ett nytt hopp visar tydligt att C-3PO känner smärta < stark> som ett resultat av högt brus :
Moments later Threepio grabbed at his head in pain as a terrific screeching and yelling sounded over the comlink.
- Den här scenen från romaniseringen av Empire Strikes Back föreslår att effekter kan också orsaka honom obehag :
More stormtroopers had come into the room and joined the fight. Some of the troopers began to club the Wookiee with the butts of their rifles, banging against Threepio in the process.
“Ouch!” the droid screamed. “I didn’t do anything!”
The stormtroopers had begun to overpower Chewbacca, and were about to smash him in the face with their weapons when, over the sounds of the fray, Han shouted, “Chewie, no! Stop it, Chewbacca!”