Vad hände med Sjandra Kei Commercial Security Fleet?


Vad hände med Sjandra Kei Commercial Security Fleet efter sitt möte med Blight? Anger boken någonsin hur många Sjandra Kei-fartyg överlevde?

uppsättning user11514 08.02.2013 18:46

1 svar


Sjandra Kei Commercial Security Fleet omnämnde sig Aniara Fleet efter striden med Blighter-flottan. Ett hundra Sjandra Kei-skepp överlevde:

"There is no Commercial Security anymore. Virtually all our customers got shot out from under us. Now we've killed our company's owner -- or at least destroyed her ship and those supporting her. We are Aniara Fleet now." It was the official name chosen at the fleet conference just ended. There was a certain grim pleasure in embracing it, the ghost from before Sjandra Kei and before Nyjora, from the earliest times of the human race. For they were truly cast away now, from their worlds and their customers and their former leaders. One hundred ships bound for....

"We talked it over. A few still wanted to follow you to Tines' world. Some of the crews want to return to Middle Beyond, spend the rest of their lives killing Butterflies. The majority want to start the races of Sjandra Kei over again, some place where we won't be noticed, some place where no one cares if we live." And the one thing everyone agreed on was that Aniara must be split no further, must make no further sacrifices outside of itself. Once that was clear, it was easy to decide what to do. In the wake of the Great Surge, this part of the Bottom was an incredible froth of Slowness and Beyond. It would be centuries before the zonographic vessels from above had reasonable maps of the new interface. Hidden away in the folds and interstices were worlds fresh from the Slowness, worlds where Sjandra Kei could be born again.

svaret ges 08.02.2013 19:36