Vår var stjärnfält / streamingstjärnor skapade i pre-computer era?


Starfields eller streamingstjärnor är allestädes närvarande för att ge intrycket av rörelse av rymdhantverk.

Jag tänker flyga direkt och frontalt i stjärnfältet, som i början av intro eller känd Windows skärmsläckare. Det är självklart lätt att skapa detta med digital teknik. Men hur skapades de före det, t.ex. för Star Trek: TOS intro?

Jag har en idé med att filma ett bunt av punktljus monterat i en mittposition som pekar på en plan och vinkelrörelse av de enskilda fläckarna. Om det var något så här skulle det säkert inte ha tillåtit fri rörlighet eller böjning i rymden - men det jag inte kommer ihåg just nu, bara rak rörelse.

uppsättning his 29.10.2014 00:33

1 svar


Följande är stulen ( lånade, jag skulle vilja tro ) från Star Trek BBS :

Hänvisar till Howard A. Anderson, ASC från " Utanför den här världens speciella effekter för" Star Trek "" i amerikansk Cinematographer i oktober 1967:

One of our most difficult assignments for the series was to create the impression that the Enterprise was racing through space at an incredible speed--faster than the speed of light, which is 6,000,000,000,000 miles a year.

Other space shows have shown spacecraft more or less "drifting" through space. We wanted to avoid that cliche. The solution did not come easily or quickly. We experimented with dozens of ideas before we hit on an effective solution.

The principal elements in our solution are a space sky and the use of an Oxberry optical printer. To make the space sky, we painted black stars on a white background about 2 1/2 feet by 3 feet, arriving at a suitable design. We then made a series of black-out mattes that we could use later with the sky in the optical printer.

The advanced Oxberry printer was unique at the time. It is capable of making a 5-to-1 reduction through a 4-to-1 enlargement with continued automatic focusing. The space sky was photographed and a still frame used on the optical printer. We tracked the space sky to the left, to the right, to the top and to the bottom, using a different black-out matte on each pass and superimposed these various moves at different speeds. We were able to create the illusion that the Enterprise was racing through space at an incredible speed. We start with a space sky filled with some 500 stars and finish with perhaps 30 on each pass. In the automatic focusing process, we got from a 3-foot scope down to about 10 inches.

Även om det bara var hur Anderson gjorde det. ST: s effekter producerades av flera olika effekter hus. Från samma artikel diskuterar Linwood Dunn hur hans Hollywood-filmeffekter skapade sina stjärnfält effekter:

The background star fields were created by punching holes of various sizes, in proper scale and location, in large sheets of black paper, backed up by special diffusion screens and color filters to create the desired effect. By combining scenes made at varying camera distances and travel speeds, a realistic illusion of depth was created. This was particularly important in star fields which tied-in with forward or reverse travel of the ship, and seen on its forward viewing screen.

Så i stort sett fotograferade de båda flera starscape-lager som rör sig med olika hastigheter i förhållande till kameran. Överlagring skapade effekten av 3-D-rörelse, närmare stjärnor flyttade snabbare än mer avlägsna.

svaret ges 29.10.2014 15:42