Does Bacigalupis hela oeuvre äga rum i samma universum?


Jag vet att Windup Girl äger rum i samma univers som "Calorie Man" och jag vet att Vattenkniven ligger i samma univers som " Tamariskjägaren. " Men är Windup Girl och The Water Knife i samma kontinuitet --- säg 100 år ifrån varandra? Med andra ord finns det en singel Bacigalupiverse, eller finns det flera? (Eller vet vi inte?)

uppsättning crmdgn 14.12.2016 18:01

1 svar


Guds ord är att de är separata universum :

When I think about it, your books all seem to happen along the same messed up timeline. Is there a Bacigalupiverse?

I deliberately say I’m not writing in the same universe because I don’t want the baggage. But yeah, there’s a package of obsessions that build a certain future. It’s always populated by politicians who refuse to lead, a citizenry that decided not to pay attention, and oops points—moments where we were sure things were going to be fine, and then they weren’t. Almost every one of the futures I have is not one that any of the characters would have chosen for themselves. They’re always like, goddamn, if we’d just done something different a little further back. That shows up again and again for me. I’m always a little melancholy.

svaret ges 14.12.2016 18:11