Vad är historien med planeten Zeist vs Earth?


Från Highlander 2 Wikipedia:

On the planet Zeist, a last meeting is held between the members of a rebellion against the rule of General Katana. The rebellion’s leader, Ramirez, chooses "a man of great destiny" from among them — Connor — to carry out a mission against Katana. At this moment, Katana and his troops attack, crushing the rebellion. Katana orders his men to capture Ramirez and Connor alive, and kill the rest of the rebels. The two captives are put on trial by Zeist’s priests, who sentence them to be exiled and reborn on Earth in pursuit of "The Prize." Winning the Prize gives the victor the choice to either grow old and die on Earth, or to return to Zeist. It is worth noting that alternate cuts of the film have these events transpire in Earth's distant past rather than on Zeist. Katana is unsatisfied with their decision, but the sentence is executed, leading to the events of the original 1986 film.

Hur exakt är historien bakom denna "alternativa nedskärningar" - som åtminstone något överensstämmer med den första "Highlander" -filmen - vs Zeist-storylinen som tydligt står i strid med den? Varför valdes den Zeist-version som universellt hatades av fansen?

Jag mår bra med ett out-of-univers svar, men det måste baseras på källor relaterade till franchisen (och especailly H2-film), inte bara spekulationer / gissningar.

uppsättning DVK-on-Ahch-To 16.11.2012 12:59

2 svar


Highlander Wikia noteras det att:

In the renegade version, a documentary following the film has the filmmakers explain why the original theatrical release contradicted the first film. According to them, the inflation in Argentina had risen so high during filming that the film's insurance company started to take creative control, and made a film they thought would make the most money.

... med renegadversionen som betyder "den gamla jordens ursprung" en. Den nämnda dokumentären heter "Highlander 2: Seduced by Argentina"

Den dramatiska inflationen kulminerade faktiskt 1989 (se Wikipediaartikel om upplopp i Argentina på grund av inflationen). Detta borde matcha den period då filmen sköts, även om jag inte hittar någon specifik information om det.

svaret ges 16.11.2012 14:19

Enligt regissören Russell Mulcahy:

“I don’t really blame the writers. It’s just that the whole script was never completely filmed because of the financial problems. A lot of the ideas and stories were never shot, so the film is a bit of a patchwork. The bond company shut us down and brought in a butcher editor, and the film that was released just wasn’t finished. The first one I’m very proud of, but the second one I’m not, although it’s got some good moments.”

Empire, Highlander: a history

svaret ges 20.07.2018 14:59