Vad är "barnet" i säsong 4?


I säsong 4 i Thrones spel träffade Bran ett "barn" som räddade honom och vägledde honom för att träffa den treögda raven. Vad är de "barnen"? Och skiljer de sig från de vita vandrare?

uppsättning Anuj Shah 10.03.2016 06:27

2 svar


Hennes namn är Leaf och hon är en av Forest of Children , en gammal icke-mänsklig ras som människor i Westeros tror att vara långa utdöda eller bara en myt.

The Children of the Forest are a mysterious non-human race that were reportedly the original inhabitants of the continent of Westeros. They were already living in Westeros when the First Men migrated to the continent, 12,000 years before Robert's Rebellion. According to legend they were last seen during the Andal Invasion 6,000 years before the War of the Five Kings.

De liknar barn i utseende, därav namnet:

The Children of the Forest were said to be humanoid, but when grown to manhood they were no taller than human children. Their facial features are very rounded and soft, like a very small child. They also have disproportionately large and expressive eyes (like human babies'), which are set wider in their face than would be normal for a human child of the same height.

Deras kultur var förknippad med naturen och de tillbedde Gamla gudarna i skogen . De hade också tillgång till stark magi.

I början kämpade de med de första männen när den senare uppträdde i Westeros, men så småningom gjorde de fred med dem och båda raserna samlevde.

White Walkers är faktiskt deras fiender och de hjälpte folk i Westeros under invasionen:

The Pact lasted for two thousand years before the enigmatic White Walkers invaded from the uttermost north, bringing death and destruction to both races. The Children of the Forest allied with the First Men to drive back the White Walkers in the War for the Dawn eight thousand years ago. After the defeat of the Others, the Children, much-reduced in number, are said to have helped Bran the Builder raise the Wall with their powerful magics to prevent the White Walkers' return.

svaret ges 10.03.2016 08:01

Det är skogens barn:

The Children of the Forest are a mysterious non-human race that were reportedly the original inhabitants of the continent of Westeros. They were already living in Westeros when the First Men migrated to the continent, 12,000 years before Robert's Rebellion.

Kassa Wikia-länken och Annan länk för mer information

svaret ges 10.03.2016 08:10