Vad är meningen med Theons ord?


I Thronespel S02 E03, "Vad är Dead May Never Die", säger Iron Iron Lord och House Greyjoy, Balon Greyjoy och hans son Theon Greyjoy följande ord i slottet.

The dead may never die.

När Balon säger detta, sätter Theon sin näve på sitt hjärta och upprepar detsamma.

Dessa ord upprepas av Theon under hans dop också och prästen svarar

But rises again harder and stronger.

Vad är meningen med dessa ord? Finns det en dold betydelse för dessa ord, förutom att bara vara ett religiöst slogan?

uppsättning Nog Shine 02.01.2018 18:13

3 svar


Det är mer än bara religiösa ord. Järnfödaren går genom en ritual när de blir ålder där de dränker sig, bara för att återupplivas efteråt.

It was a bleak, cold morning, and the sea was as leaden as the sky. The first three men had offered their lives to the Drowned God fearlessly, but the fourth was weak in faith and began to struggle as his lungs cried out for air. Standing waist-deep in the surf, Aeron seized the naked boy by the shoulders and pushed his head back down as he tried to snatch a breath. "Have courage," he said. "We came from the sea, and to the sea we must return. Open your mouth and drink deep of god's blessing. Fill your lungs with water, that you may die and be reborn. It does no good to fight."

Either the boy could not hear him with his head beneath the waves, or else his faith had utterly deserted him. He began to kick and thrash so wildly that Aeron had to call for help. Four of his drowned men waded out to seize the wretch and hold him underwater. "Lord God who drowned for us," the priest prayed, in a voice as deep as the sea, "let Emmond your servant be reborn from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel."

Finally, it was done. No more air was bubbling from his mouth, and all the strength had gone out of his limbs. Facedown in the shallow sea floated Emmond, pale and cold and peaceful.


He growled a brusque command, and his drowned men seized the dead boy by his arms and legs to carry him above the tideline. The priest followed, naked but for a sealskin clout that covered his private parts. Goosefleshed and dripping, he splashed back onto land, across cold wet sand and sea-scoured pebbles. One of his drowned men handed him a robe of heavy roughspun dyed in mottled greens and blues and greys, the colors of the sea and the Drowned God. Aeron donned the robe and pulled his hair free. Black and wet, that hair; no blade had touched it since the sea had raised him up. It draped his shoulders like a ragged, ropy cloak, and fell down past his waist. Aeron wove strands of seaweed through it, and through his tangled, uncut beard.

His drowned men formed a circle around the dead boy, praying. Norjen worked his arms whilst Rus knelt astride him, pumping on his chest, but all moved aside for Aeron. He pried apart the boy's cold lips with his fingers and gave Emmond the kiss of life, and again, and again, until the sea came gushing from his mouth. The boy began to cough and spit, and his eyes blinked open, full of fear.

Another one returned. It was a sign of the Drowned God's favor, men said. Every other priest lost a man from time to time, even Tarle the Thrice-Drowned, who had once been thought so holy that he was picked to crown a king. But never Aeron Greyjoy. He was the Damphair, who had seen the god's own watery halls and returned to tell of it. "Rise," he told the sputtering boy as he slapped him on his naked back. "You have drowned and been returned to us. What is dead can never die."
The Prophet, a Feast for Crows

Ironbornen är ett folk som nästan bor på havet. Som sådan är det viktigt att inte vara rädd för att drunkna. Denna ritual gör det i princip. De dränker sig, så att de inte kommer att frukta att drunkna igen.

What is dead may never die

Om du redan dött en gång (drunknade), kan du inte dö igen. De som överlevar drunkningen gör dem svårare och starkare. Eller åtminstone är det deras tro.

Så tillägget

but rises again, harder, stronger.

är helt enkelt en del av samma motto.

svaret ges 02.01.2018 18:23

Det är en del av deras bön som används i Dop och även vid val av kung:

During the blessing ceremony, the following exchange occurs as the priest pours holy sea water over the adherent's head: TheonsBaptism

Drowned Man: "Let [name] your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel."

Response: "What is dead may never die."

Drowned Man: "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stonger.


En annan typ av drunkning ceremoni, som används för att salva kungarna på järnöarna, innebär att den dränerade mannen dricker faktiskt någon, håller dem under vattnet tills de slutar andas. De släpas sedan i land, där de börjar andas igen. Bönen förlängs i denna ceremoni:


Drowned Man: Let [name] your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. Listen to the waves, listen to the God. He is speaking to us, and he says we shall have no king but [name]. Let the sea wash your follies and your vanities away. Let the old [name] drown. Let his lungs fill with sea water, let the fish eat the scales off his eyes. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger. What is dead may never die!

Gathered: What is dead may never die



Eftersom de tjänar att drunkna, kommer de ut mer starkare och hårdare. Mer av orädd ihjäl.

Det går också bra med vad som händer där Gud själv som gav honom det namnet:

Within this belief system, the Drowned God is locked in an eternal struggle against the Storm God. The Drowned God's halls are located beneath the ocean, while the Storm God lives in a castle in the sky with his thunderclouds. The Storm God is constantly trying to send storms to dash ironborn ships against rocks.

Resurrection figures prominently in the religion, in the form of being revived from drowning. The Drowned God himself is said to have drowned in the sea, for the sake of the ironborn, but returned to life "harder and stronger". Drowning is also employed as a method of sacrificing enemies to the Drowned God.

Due to their belief, the ironborn do not fear drowning in the sea. "Godly" ironborn - that is, fearless raiders - who drown are believed to be taken to the Drowned God's watery halls to feast on fish and be tended by mermaids for eternity. Thus, whenever a man dies, ironborn say that the Drowned God is in need of a strong oarsman.

svaret ges 02.01.2018 18:26

Vad är Dead May Never Die är en double entender och kan tolkas på två sätt .

  • Om något är redan dött, kan det inte dö igen. Det finns inget att frukta! Eller, som du sa i det här fallet, relaterar mer direkt till Iron Born och en slags ritual som involverar ett nära dödsförlopp för att ge en rätt till passage - vad som inte dödar dig gör dig starkare.

  • Men Game of Thrones metafysik är döden inte slutet på någonting , men en omvandling, eftersom arbetet ger ett spektrum av "levande -dead-enheter, som ett sätt att utforska eller bestrida vilken identitet och död som verkligen är.

  • svaret ges 02.01.2018 18:29