Mind läsaren skriver över allas hjärna


Jag läste en novell om 15 år sedan, och jag försöker hitta den igen. Det fanns en college kid som frivilligt testade en sinnläsningsenhet. Något gick fel, och maskinen slutade kopiera hans sinne över alla andra i världen.

Kaos följde, eftersom barnet inte visste hur man flyger flygplan eller utför operation. Barnens flickvän, eftersom alla älskade henne blev de facto-ledaren. Så småningom började de olika kopiorna diverga och lära sig nya specialiteter för att hålla samhället på gång.

Ringer det en klocka med någon?

uppsättning sprad 15.07.2014 00:34

1 svar


Detta är " Skapat lika " av Ken Jenks.

En högskolebarn, som volontäriserar för ett experiment, får sitt sinne kopierat till alla i världen:

I sat up in the chair. "Okay, Doc. Let's go." The sequence started and I pushed the buttons as they lit up. Four minutes later, the sequence ended. I unstrapped and said good-bye through the intercom. I thought it was a little odd that I didn't get a response. Shrugging, I ducked out to the bike rack, unlocked my rusty ten-speed and rode back to our apartment on Gregory. Traffic was weird. There were a whole lot of people running, driving and riding toward the Beckman Institute, and there were even more headed in the same direction I was.

My apartment building was surrounded. There must have been three hundred people there calling Katie's name. She peered out the window, surveying the crowd, looking like a princess in a tower.

I made my way through the crowd, which parted around me. They started calling my name, too. There was no pushing or shoving, and nobody was being rude. It was like a dream. An hallucination. Too little sleep, I thought. And I've got to cut down on the Mountain Dew.

The stairway was packed, but they let me through. When I opened the door, the nearest people tried to come in with me, but stopped when I told them to back off. Weird.

Katie was waiting. She looked odd, nervous. "Hi," she said. "Are you still Mitch?"

"Yes," I said, "as far as I can tell."

"So am I," she replied. "I think Dr. K's telepathy experiment did something weird. I have your brain in Katie's body."

Planer och operation nämns uttryckligen:

There was no major loss of life. There were a few trucks that went out of control. I never learned to drive a semi. An embarrassing number of helicopters crashed. Thank God I can fly fixed-wing aircraft. Almost all of the planes landed safely, even the big jets. There was a major chemical leak at a refinery in Louisiana, but they seemed to get everything under control quickly enough. Dozens of people around the world died in surgery. My soul felt bruised, knowing I died so many times. Newborn babies struggled with unaccustomed mouths to ask their mothers about Katie and Dr. K.

Flickvän blir ledare:

Katie grabbed the megaphone. Everyone stopped and looked at her. Who appointed her leader? I thought. I did, I guess.

Det första kapitlet i historien är tillgängligt via wayback maskin . Webbplatsen där du kan köpa hela historien verkar ha vikit tillbaka år 2002, så du läser den i tidens namn. Jag själv läste alltid det fria första kapitlet.

svaret ges 04.11.2015 22:47