Hur länge tog det Palpatine att resa från Coruscant till Mustafar?


Inspirerad av den här frågan om hur länge Anakin överlevde på Mustafar efter sin kamp med Obi-Wan, frågeställaren ger (Legends) bevis för att det skulle ta minst tre timmar att komma till Mustafar från Coruscant.

I Disney-kanon finns det en beskrivning av när, i förhållande till kampen mot Mustafar, lämnade Palpatine Coruscant, och hur länge det tog honom att komma till Mustafar?

uppsättning Dave Johnson 31.12.2015 16:38

2 svar


Det finns inget i filmens Officiell novellisering för att ange huruvida varningen kejsaren kände var i realtid (ej heller något att specificera tidsåtgången mellan mottagandet av varningen och hans ankomst till Mustafar), men med tanke på att Mustafar beskrivs som " en avlägsen gruvkoloni " på " Ytterfält em> "det här föreslår starkt att resetiden i hyperspace måste ha varit mer än de få minuter som kampen pågick.

Min instinkt är att kejsaren fick något slags Force Premonition om att hans lärling är i fara snarare än att känna av slåss direkt:

He didn’t have time to direct the search personally. The Force hummed a warning in his bones: Lord Vader was in danger. Mortal danger.

Clones scattered. He stopped one officer. “You. Call the shuttle dock and tell them I’m on my way. Have my ship warmed and ready.”

The officer saluted, and Palpatine, with vigor that surprised even himself, ran.

Det finns inte heller något i filmens Junior Novelisation

Sidious knew he should have been pleased with the outcome of the fight. He had won, though it had been a near thing. But an uneasiness was growing within him, a sense of some threat not yet resolved.
Below, the clone commander boarded a Senate pod and rose to the level of the podium. “There is no sign of his body, sir,” he reported, saluting.
“Then he is not dead,” Mas Amedda replied.
Sidious nodded and reached out with the dark side, trying to sense where his enemy was hiding. As he did, the feeling of risk grew stronger, and he understood. Not a threat to him, but to his apprentice. He must see to this personally. “Double your search,” he told the clone commander, though he doubted they would find anything. He turned to Mas Amedda. “Tell Captain Kagi to prepare my shuttle for immediate takeoff. I sense Lord Vader is in danger.”
Mas Amedda bowed. “Yes, my Master.”

Flytta ner kanonkanalen, Legends canon Tokyopop! Star Wars: Hämnd av Sith Cine-Manga visar att Anakins kamp med Obi-Wan gick samtidigt som Palpatines kamp med Yoda:

Filmen Grafisk novellisering är ännu mer tuff i ämnet

svaret ges 31.12.2015 16:50

Nästan direkt (minuter, inte timmar) eftersom pendeln gick medan kampen fortfarande pågick och anlände Precis som Obi-Wan lämnade med Padme strax efter slåss.


At the landing deck, C-3PO stood on the skiff's landing ramp, waving frantically. "Master Kenobi! Please hurry!"
"Where's Padme?"
"Already inside, sir, but she is badly hurt." Obi-Wan ran up the ramp to the skiff's cockpit and fired the engines.

As the Chancellor's shuttle curved in toward the landing deck, the sleek mirror-finished skiff streaked for the stars. Obi-Wan never looked back.


Observera att han lämnade under kampen (som i filmen varade bara några minuter)

Clones scattered. He stopped one officer. "You. Call the shuttle dock and tell them I'm on my way. Have my ship warmed and ready."
The officer saluted, and Palpatine, with vigor that surprised even himself, ran.

och senare visar texten att kampen är pågående efter kejsaren ringer till pendeln:

With Anakin's grip on his wrists bending his arms near to breaking, forcing both their lightsabers down in a slow but unstoppable arc, Obi-Wan let go. Of everything. (all quotes from Chapter 20 of Stover's Episode III novelization)

Efterkämpstid tills ankomst

Och vi vet att Obi-Wan sprang från kampen mot skiffen och baserat på filmen var det inte ett stort avstånd eftersom det tog dem bara några minuter av intensiv kämpa för att täcka det innan:

He would leave it to the will of the Force. He turned and walked away. After a moment, he began to run.
He began to run because he realized, if he was fast enough, there was one thing he still could do for Anakin. He still could do honor to the memory of the man he had loved, and to the vanished Order they both had served.
At the landing deck, C-3PO stood on the skiff's landing ramp, waving frantically. "Master Kenobi! Please hurry!"
"Where's Padme?"
"Already inside, sir, but she is badly hurt." Obi-Wan ran up the ramp to the skiff's cockpit and fired the engine

svaret ges 31.12.2015 16:49