How viktig var segern i slaget vid de fem arméerna?


Jag talade nyligen med en vän när jag sa att jag inte tyckte om hur Peter Jackson hade slått mot de fem arméernas slag i striden mot Middle Earth. Min vän svarade med " Jo var , enligt min mening ".

Jag frågade varför och han sa att han trodde att om männen i Lake Town, elvar och dvärgar hade misslyckats med att slå Bolgs armé som Sauron skulle ha hamnat hämta ringen. Jag svarade att armén vid BotFA var oberoende av Sauron, men min vän motsatte sig genom att säga att eftersom armén innehöll orker, att ringen fortfarande skulle ha slutat med Sauron

Finns det någon sanning i detta påstående? Var det ett kritiskt slag i Middle Earths historia?

uppsättning user31546 04.11.2014 22:55

2 svar


Det var dock viktigt för händelserna i LOTR. Händelserna från Hobbit tog Smaug och Goblin / Orc-krafterna från Misty Mountains ut ur Saurons planer. Utan detta skulle det ha varit förödande krig i norr och i söder. Även om männen, dvärgarna och älvarna i norr inte hjälpte mycket med försvaret av Helms Deep och Gondor, var det bara att de sa att Sauron var tvungen att reservera några av sina styrkor för att hantera dem senare. Det var bara Angels häxkung och Orkén i Minas Morgul (förstärkt av män från Fjärran Syd och Öst) som skickades mot Gondor, inte Saurons personliga armé från Mordor. Sauron var tvungen att reservera dem för att hantera Lothlorien, Rivendell och norr.

Detta citat från LOTR, bilaga A, beskriver Gandalfs tankar precis innan de möter Thorin av en slump i Bree:

But at last there came about by chance a meeting between Gandalf and Thorin that changed all the fortunes of the House of Durin, and led to other and greater ends beside. On a time Thorin, returning west from a journey, stayed at Bree for the night. There Gandalf was also. He was on his way to the Shire, which he had not visited for some twenty years. He was weary, and thought to rest there for a while.

Among many cares he was troubled in mind by the perilous state of the North; because he knew then already that Sauron was plotting war, and intended, as soon as he felt strong enough, to attack Rivendell. But to resist any attempt from the East to regain the lands of Angmar and the northern passes in the mountains there were now only the Dwarves of the Iron Hills. And beyond them lay the desolation of the Dragon. The Dragon Sauron might use with terrible effect. How then could the end of Smaug be achieved?

I slutet av bilaga A beskrivs den taktiska betydelsen av slaget vid fem arméer:

The Dragon was slain by Bard of Esgaroth, but there was battle in Dale. For the Orcs came down upon Erebor as soon as they heard of the return of the Dwarves; and they were led by Bolg, son of that Azog whom Dáin slew in his youth. In that first Battle of Dale, Thorin Oakenshield was mortally wounded; and he died and was laid in a tomb under the Mountain with the Arkenstone upon his breast. There fell also Fíli and Kíli, his sister-sons. But Dáin Ironfoot, his cousin, who came from the Iron Hills to his aid and was also his rightful heir, became then King Dáin II, and the Kingdom under the Mountain was restored, even as Gandalf had desired. Dáin proved a great and wise king, and the Dwarves prospered and grew strong again in his day.

In the late summer of that same year (2941) Gandalf had at last prevailed upon Saruman and the White Council to attack Dol Guldur, and Sauron retreated and went to Mordor, there to be secure, as he thought, from all his enemies. So it was that when the War came at last the main assault was turned southwards; yet even so with his far-stretched right hand Sauron might have done great evil in the North, if King Dáin and King Brand had not stood in his path. Even as Gandalf said afterwards to Frodo and Gimli, when they dwelt together for a time in Minas Tirith. Not long before news had come to Gondor of events far away.

‘I grieved at the fall of Thorin,’ said Gandalf; ‘and now we hear that Dáin has fallen, fighting in Dale again, even while we fought here. I should call that a heavy loss, if it was not a wonder rather that in his great age he could still wield his axe as mightily as they say that he did, standing over the body of King Brand before the Gate of Erebor until the darkness fell.

'Yet things might have gone far otherwise and far worse. When you think of the great Battle of the Pelennor, do not forget the battles in Dale and the valour of Durin's Folk. Think of what might have been. Dragon-fire and savage swords in Eriador, night in Rivendell. There might be no Queen in Gondor. We might now hope to return from the victory here only to ruin and ash. But that has been averted - because I met Thorin Oakenshield one evening on the edge of spring in Bree. A chance-meeting, as we say in Middle-earth.'

Eller kanske Ilúvatars hand (Eru).

svaret ges 04.11.2014 23:38

Gandalf förklarar orsaken - om slaget vid de fem arméerna hade hänt, skulle det inte senare vara King Dáin och King Brand att stå under Ringets krig, och det var en viktig sak för Saurons nederlag:

So it was that when the War came at last the main assault was turned southwards; yet even so with his far-stretched right hand Sauron might have done great evil in the North, if King Dáin and King Brand had not stood in his path.

... (allt detta från tillägg i Kungens återkomst):

'I grieved at the fall of Thorin,' said Gandalf; 'and now we hear that Dáin has fallen, fighting in Dale again, even while we fought here. I should call that a heavy loss, if it was not a wonder rather that in his great age he could still wield his axe as mightily as they say that he did, standing over the body of King Brand before the Gate of Erebor until the darkness fell.

'Yet things might have gone far otherwise and far worse. When you think of the great Battle of the Pelennor, do not forget the battles in Dale and the valour of Durin's Folk. Think of what might have been. Dragon-fire and savage swords in Eriador, night in Rivendell. There might be no Queen in Gondor. We might now hope to return from the victory here only to ruin and ash. But that has been averted - because I met Thorin Oakenshield one evening on the edge of spring in Bree. A chance-meeting, as we say in Middle-earth.'

svaret ges 05.11.2014 01:46