Barnhistoria med en "askit basket"


I vilken barns berättelsebok visas idén om en askit-korg först. Det är en korg som du frågar efter vad du vill ha. Termen askit-korg verkar ha blivit ganska vanlig, så Google-sökning har visat sig misslyckad.

Några mer detaljer, jag tror att det fanns två barn, syskon, med en magisk vän som introducerar askit-korgen som tillåter barnen att fråga efter allt de vill ha, det gjorde även sina läxor i Korrekt handskrivning! Berättelsen måste vara minst 20 år gammal Jag antar att jag var väldigt ung när jag först hörde det här.

uppsättning gingerbreadboy 27.01.2017 20:03

1 svar


Kan det vara Stanley och den magiska lampan , bok 2 av Flat Stanley serien?

Stanley Lambchop has found a real magic lamp with a genie inside! The genie tells Stanley he can wish for anything in the world: fame, a magical pet, superpowers -- you name it.

When Stanley's family finds out about the genie, they have some wishes, too. But the more wishes Stanley makes, the stranger his own life becomes. Oh, poor Stanley!

EnligtWikipediaharhanensyskon,enbrorsomheterArthur. En av recensionerna nämner en "askit basket":

I loved the idea of an "askit basket." Kind of like a portable, magical librarian.

Liksom den här :

Text-to-text connections with the Askit Basket in this story and Dan Gutman's book, The Homework Machine.

Även denna Amazon-recension :

I read a good book called Stanley and the Magic Lamp. Stanley finds a lamp and wishes to get answers for his homework. Then he gets an askit basket and puts his paper in and gets his answers. This book is very entertaining and funny. Read the book to see what happens when Arthur, Stanley's little brother, and Stanley make more wishes from the genie. See what happens when he starts wishing for bigger wishes.


På en sidotal användes frasen så långt tillbaka som ett 1930-talets spelprogram:

Askit Basket

Host: Jim McWilliams (through 10/40), Ed East (from 10/40)
Sponsor: Colgate Toothpaste and Shaving Cream, Palmolive Soap
Network: CBS
Aired: 1938-1941
Type of Show: Game Show
NB: This is my favorite game show of the Golden Age of Radio. The premise was simple. There was a quiz. If the contestant didn't know the answer, the constestant would have to do a stunt which was sent in by the home audience. Some people would do anything for a six month supply of soap, toothpaste, and shaving cream! Ed East was probably best known with Ralph Dumke as Sisters of the Skilletor the Quality Twins.

svaret ges 27.01.2017 20:12