Såvitt vi vet har alla länder en trollkarlpopulation, och alla verkar ha en proportionerlig trovärdig befolkning. Vi leder inte till att något land dras i fler guider än normalt. Jag antar i teorin att den gamla världen förmodligen har några fler gamla renblodsfamiljer än den nya världen, helt enkelt genom traditionella rörelsemönster.
Bill had a penfriend at a school in Brazil . . . this was years and years ago . . . and he wanted to go on an exchange trip but Mum and Dad couldn’t afford it.
He supposed, now that he saw rep- resentatives of so many nationalities in the campsite, that he had been stupid never to realize that Hogwarts couldn’t be the only one. He glanced at Hermione, who looked utterly unsurprised by the information. No doubt she had run across the news about other wizarding schools in some book or other.
while a group of middle-aged American witches sat gossiping happily beneath a spangled banner stretched between their tents that read: the salem witches’ institute. Harry caught snatches of conversation in strange lan- guages from the inside of tents they passed, and though he couldn’t understand a word, the tone of every single voice was excited.
“They must go to Beauxbatons,” said Hermione. “You know . . . Beauxbatons Academy of Magic . . . I read about it in An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe.”
You’ll be supporting Ireland, of course?” she added, eye- ing Harry, Ron, and Hermione beadily.
Afrika (ja kontinental via stat)
Three African wizards sat in serious conversation, all of them wearing long white robes and roasting what looked like a rabbit on a bright purple fire
Bill fungerar för Gringotts som en förbannelsebrytare, och arbetar i Egypten var de forntida egyptiska trollkarlarna uppbyggda komplexa förbanningar för att skydda gravar.
Harry — DAD GOT THE TICKETS — Ireland versus Bulgaria, Monday night. Mum’s writing to the Muggles to ask you to stay. They might already have the letter, I don’t know how fast Muggle post is. Thought I’d send this with Pig anyway.
Denna uttömmande lista av quidditchlag indikerar också stor magisk befolkning