I filmkanonen nämns inget kön. Faktum är att det inte finns något omnämnande om huruvida predatorsna har genus
I bok- och komiska serien finns det omfattande nämnder av Predator females (gränsar till slashfic i vissa fall) som verkar i stor utsträckning för att förbli på planeten och höja lilla baby Predators trots deras större än genomsnittliga intelligens.
Från AVP: Prey ;
"A warrior who would dare such would not be wise, for an insulted and angry yautja female was not something even a not-too-wise male wanted to create. Assuming the warrior was armed and expert, it might almost be an even match, but Dachande would put his wager on the female. His most recent partner had tossed him across a room during the heat of their mating and that had been an accident..."
"Yautja females were bigger than males; it was apparently the reverse for oomans."
..."It also explained why this warrior was smarter than most of the yautja he taught. Females of any species were usually smarter than the males."