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Två saker att tänka på. (1) Älven uppstod i Arda i öst innan många av dem gick ut till Valinor. De märkades redan av denna marring. Två exempel på detta är Elves blekning och i Míriels död.
As ages passed the dominance of their fëar ever increased, 'consuming' their bodies. The end of this process is their 'fading', as Men have called it; for the body becomes at last, as it were, a mere memory held by the fëa; and that end has already been achieved in many regions of Middle-earth, so that the Elves are indeed deathless and may not be destroyed or changed. [Laws and Customs among the Eldar]
Det här är förfalskningsprocessen, där elvens kroppar faktiskt ger vika och kan inte längre existera med fëa. Elverna trodde att detta skulle vara ett märke av fläcken av Melkor. Detta framgår av Finrod till kvinnan Andreth:
you live in Arda Marred, as do we, and all the matter of Arda was tainted by him, before ye or we came forth and drew our hröar and their sustenance therefrom: all save only maybe Aman before he came there. For know, it is not otherwise with the Quendi themselves: their health and stature is diminished. Already those of us who dwell in Middle-earth, and even we who have returned to it, find that the change of their bodies is swifter than in the beginning. And that, I judge, must forebode that they will prove less strong to last than they were designed to be, though this may not be clearly revealed for many long years. [Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth]
Hans peka, som jag gjorde ovan, är att arvarnas kroppar är av Arda, inte lika starka som de borde vara på grund av Melkors smärta. De är inte lika långvariga som de borde vara så att andarna så småningom kommer att konsumera dem, när de borde vara i harmoni med varandra. "Denna önskan om hråa visar att deras senare (och nuvarande) tillstånd inte är naturligt för dem" 7]. Ta en titt på not 7 i den text som beskriver hur älvorna såg det som konsumerar och vilken Finrod såg sig själv.
Míriel dog i Aman efter att ha fött Fëanor och Valaren blev orolig för denna händelse.
they perceived now more clearly how great was the hurt that Melkor of old had done to the substance of Arda, so that all those who were incarnate and drew the sustenance of their bodies from Arda Marred, must ever be liable to grief, to do or to suffer things unnatural in Arda Unmarred. [Of Finwë and Míriel]
Melkor i försök att kontrollera materia var bunden till en fysisk kropp själv, fast i materia. Míriel ville fly från hennes kropp och återvänd aldrig till det.
Yavanna trodde
the Children are not as we (who came from beyond Arda wholly and in all our being) but are both spirit and body, and that body is of Arda and by Arda was nourished: so the Shadow worketh not only upon spirits, but has marred the very hron of Arda, and all Middle-earth is perverted by the evil of Melkor, who has wrought in it as mightily as any one among us here.
(2) Sedan finns Galadriel och hennes tendens mot ondskan. Det sägs att hon inte tyckte om Fëanor på grund av det onda hon såg i honom, men hon misslyckades med att se det själv.
she withheld her goodwill from none save only Fëanor. In him she perceived a darkness that she hated and feared,though she did not perceieve that the shadow of the same evil had fallen upon the minds of all the Noldor, and upon her own. [The History of Galadriel and Celeborn]
Ja, Galadriel, liksom hennes bror Finrod, blev besmittad som alla Illuvatar och Morgoths ring, det är Arda.