Homogenous Race and TV Show


Det var en historia, som tyvärr bara hörde om secondhand.

Utgångspunkten är att det finns ett framtida samhälle där alla rasar till följd av globaliseringen blev homogena. På något sätt fanns det en vit kille från idag som föddes eller tidskörd eller något så att han är en del av detta samhälle. Bortsett från . . . folket i detta samhälle vill att den vita killen inte känner annorlunda.

Så, sedan han var väldigt ung, byggde de en värld runt honom som han växer upp i - något slags enormt stadium. Och de får skådespelare att låtsas vara hans mor och pappa och folk i hans by (skådespelarna bär alla smink så att de förekommer rasligt olika). Det finns inget annat egentligen att göra än att göra en TV-show om det - så den här vita killen blir föremål för en reality-tv-show.

En dag blir han lite misstänkt och börjar på väg i en viss riktning, men folket börjar bara bygga världen inför honom, så att han aldrig lämnar.

uppsättning imallett 14.11.2014 03:09

1 svar


Race Against Time by Piers Anthony (1986) har viss likhet ...

från kirkusreviews.com :

From an innocuous beginning -- a boy and his dog walking through the fields -- layer upon subtle layer is overlapped to develop a superior science fiction vision. The boy, John Smith, only extant caucasian male and raised in an enclave environmentally geared to America, 1960, is destined to be mated with caucasian Betsy, similarly raised, in a world populated by a totally integrated race appropriately called "Standards." Through a series of errors (or are they?) they and the society's two other "purebred" pairs (one African and one Chinese) escape their enclaves and investigate the Standard world around them -- a world so completely envisioned by Mr. Anthony that he occasionally loses the reader in a reference to some aspect hitherto unrevealed. (This however is not a serious flaw; in fact, it contributes to the compelling style of layered revelation.) The six eventually learn that they are products of procreative banks preserved through the centuries and that Standard is Earth after pollution and human-instigated plague wiped out most of the population. There is considerable ambiguity about the Standards and their true purposes, and the author's apparent assumptions about racial/ethnic interaction may be debated, but it is provocative in the presentation and even the stereotyped characters are believable considerating the nature of their nurture.

Från GoodReads.com :

The story is told by young John Smith, a white American boy becoming a man who is living in a small town supposedly located in Nebraska. Several inconsistencies have begun to trouble him. There is the peeling color of the skin of many of the inhabitants of Newton. Why cannot John go beyond certain environmental limits outside of Newton? Who is the young woman to whom he is supposedly to marry and is she real? As he questions his life in Newton he begins to explore to discover the answers for himself. The answers will surprise the reader as well as investigate environmental change and destruction which is interesting from the perspective of the time in which this novel was written - 1973.

What John discovers is unsettling to him. It seems that small villages are created to hold pure white Americans, Chinese, Arabs and Africans on a second world. Are all the purebreds trapped or imprisoned part of a zoo or observation experiment? His adventures are just beginning as he finds himself banded with other young people who are searching for the truth. Read this novel and discover the answers that John and his friends found. I assure you that the ending will surprise you.


svaret ges 14.11.2014 15:02