Det verkar representera en galaxskod
Som vi ser i S02E16 av Stargate: SG-1 , "The Five Race":
SIMMONS: Wormhole is tracking… (freaked out, then to Carter) Captain?
CARTER: Sir, the computer indicates that the wormhole is leaving our known network of Stargates. It's going outside of our galaxy. Far out. [O'Neill continues to gaze out at the Stargate.]
DANIEL: That's why the Gate needed all the extra power.
HAMMOND: Hold on, I thought Stargate addresses were six points in space with the seventh being the point of origin.
CARTER The extra chevron must add a new distance calculation to the existing points. It's kind of like dialing a different area code.
Samma sak kan vara på spel här. Från Stargate: Atlantis , S01E01:
WEIR: The point of origin, Earth.
JACKSON: That's not it.
McKAY: Then your address must be incorrect.
JACKSON: Not incorrect… incomplete.
(He draws another symbol in between the sixth symbol and the Earth symbol.)
WEIR: What are you saying, Doctor Jackson?
(Daniel numbers the newest symbol 7 and the Earth symbol 8.)
JACKSON: It's an eight symbol address. What we're looking for may be further away than we ever imagined, but it's not out of reach.
McKAY: Atlantis!
Hur bestämdes den här koden?
Jag tror inte att det finns några kanonbevis , men vi kan förmodligen utesluta två möjligheter.
- För att lägga till meningsfull information måste galakskoden vara något som inte kan bestämmas av de övriga sex symbolerna, så jag tror inte att de kunde ha beräknat det på så sätt.
- Det kan verkligen inte vara samma adress som når Ida-galaxen. Återigen bör identifieraren vara unik; annars varför har en galaxkod alls?