Vad representerar drunkningssekvensen?


I "En enda man", regisserad av Tom Ford, och baserad på eponymous roman av Christopher Isherwood finns det en återkommande scen som presenterar huvudpersonen George, naken, under vattnet, som uppenbarligen kämpar för att inte drukna.

Här är ett exempel, från slutet av filmen:


Vad betyder scenen? Vad är symboliken i den?

uppsättning Gallifreyan 01.02.2017 10:36

1 svar


Det är en metafor för att drunkna i sorg:

The hero of the story, adapted from the novel by Christopher Isherwood, explains himself in voice-overs: “Just get through the goddamned day: bit melodramatic, perhaps, but then again, my heart has been broken. Feel as if I’m drowning, sinking, can’t breathe,” he says.

( källa )

Han drunknar ensam och i tystnad:

The theme of silence which resonates subtly throughout A Single Man, of course, is also a reminder of the real tragedy of George’s loss: that his grief has been censored by a society which demands his invisibility. He is not allowed the benefit of condolence and ritual by participating in Jim’s funeral; he is excluded and denied the status of an official “family member.” His last sixteen years with his partner have been omitted from the record. Through this erasure by uncontrollable external forces, as demonstrated by the repeated metaphor of a man quietly drowning in the ocean, the film suggests, especially in George’s final moments, that suffering is most extreme when experienced in silence.

( källa )

Det leder också till ironi när han faktiskt drunknar:

The swimming motive is actually what starts the movie. Drowning to be exact. As if George was drowning without love, without Jim, without something that made his life right, important, valuable. He daydreams about it during his lecture as if he wanted to drown completely, disappear. It is ironic, and it is not the first irony in the film, that after he will actually be drowning during the swim with Kenny, he will realize how valuable life itself, moments we have are.

( källa )

svaret ges 01.02.2017 10:57