Var var Theodred dödad?


I Peter Jackson utökad version av The Two Towers tog Theodred upp Eomer och återvände till Meduseld.

Med sin fars "sjukdom" lämnade Theodred verkligen för att bekämpa orkerna?

På grund av husbrand har jag inte längre mina dyrbara (dyrbara?) kopior av trilogin, The Hobbit eller Silmarillion, så jag kan inte kontrollera informationen själv. Tack för din hjälp.

uppsättning Rosemary E Paul 05.10.2015 00:24

1 svar


Var dör Théodred?

Théodred dog vid Första Slaget vid Isens Fordar; från bilaga B:

February 25, 1419 S.R. The Company pass the Argonath and camp at Parth Galen. First Battle of the Fords of Isen; Théodred son of Théoden slain.

Return of the King Appendix B "The Tale of Years" (ii) The Third Age

Förmodligen var hans dödsplats ford av floden Isen; Bilaga A bekräftar att han var ute och slogs mot Sarumans orker:

Éomer Éadig. When still young he became a Marshal of the Mark (3017) and was given his father's charge in the east marches. In the War of the Ring Théodred fell in battle with Saruman at the Crossings of Isen.

Return of the King Appendix A "Annals of the Kings and Rulers" The Kings of the Mark

Per Oavslutade Tales , den exakta platsen för hans död var en liten flodön mitt i Isen (fet är min betoning, kursiv är Tolkiens):

As soon as the enemy had gained possession of the eastern end of the Fords there appeared a company of men or Orc-men (evidently dispatched for the purpose), ferocious, mail-clad, and armed with axes. They hastened to the eyot and assailed it from both sides. At the same time Grimbold on the west bank was attacked by Saruman's forces on that side of the Isen. As he looked eastward, dismayed by the sounds of battle and the hideous Orc-cries of victory, he saw the axe-men driving Théodred's men from the shores of the eyot towards the low knoll in its centre, and he heard Théodred's great voice crying To me, Eorlingas! At once Grimbold, taking a few men that stood near him, ran back to the eyot. So fierce was his onset from the rear of the attackers that Grimbold, a man of great strength and stature, clove his way through, till with two others he reached Théodred standing at bay on the knoll. Too late. As he came to his side Théodred fell, hewn down by a great Orc-man. Grimbold slew him and stood over the body of Théodred, thinking him dead; and there he would himself soon have died, but for the coming of Elfhelm.

Unfinished Tales Part III "The Third Age" Chapter 5: "The Battles of the Fords of Isen"

Gick Théodred verkligen ut med Orcs när hans pappa var så sjuk?

Ja, det gjorde han självklart. Théodred var Riddermarkens andra marskalk, med en tredjedel av Rohan-museet under hans befäl och västmarkens säkerhet var hans ansvar.

Den fullständiga berättelsen om Isens fötters slag berättas i Oavslutade Tales , men kärnan är att Saruman lurade honom. Théodred lurades ut i strid med löftet om en lätt, avgörande seger mot Sarumans invasionskraft:

Saruman's attack was not unforeseen, but it came sooner than was expected. Théodred's scouts had warned him of a mustering of troops before the Gates of Isengard, mainly (as it seemed) on the west side of Isen. He therefore manned the approaches, east and west, to the Fords with the sturdy men on foot from the levies of Westfold. Leaving three companies of Riders, together with horse-herds and spare mounts, on the east bank, he himself passed over with the main strength of his cav­alry: eight companies and a company of archers, intending to overthrow Saruman's army before it was fully prepared.

But Saruman had not revealed his intentions nor the full strength of his forces. They were already on the march when Théodred set out.

Unfinished Tales Part III "The Third Age" Chapter 5: "The Battles of the Fords of Isen"

Oavsett Théodas hälsa skulle Théodreds militära ansvar inte tillåta honom att ignorera Sarumans hot.

svaret ges 05.10.2015 00:28