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Det anges upprepade gånger i boken Tales of Beedle The Bard som Beedles historier är en original skapelse av författaren snarare än en återförsäljning av äldre historier ( takt bröderna Grimm).
Om någon av dessa berättelser, särskilt de tre brödernas tal, hade någon inspiration som föregår Beedles bok är inte känd men det är anmärkningsvärt att det finns inga anmärkningar om alternativa versioner av hans berättelser andra än de som härledas direkt från sin bok.
If his stories accurately reflect his opinions, he rather liked Muggles, whom he regarded as ignorant rather than malevolent; he mistrusted Dark Magic, and he believed that the worst excesses of wizardkind sprang from the all-too-human traits of cruelty, apathy, or arrogant misapplication of their own talents. The heroes and heroines who triumph in his stories are not those with the most powerful magic, but rather those who demonstrate the most kindness, common sense, and ingenuity.*
The Tales of Beedle The Bard - Foreword by JKR
A pro-Muggle story showing a Muggle-loving father as superior in magic to a Muggle-hating son? It is nothing short of amazing that any copies of the original version of this tale survived the flames to which they were so often consigned.
The Tales of Beedle The Bard - ALBUS DUMBLEDORE on “The Wizard and the Hopping Pot”
“The Warlock’s Hairy Heart,” however, does not appear to have been modified or much criticized in the hundreds of years since it was first written; the story as I eventually read it in the original runes was almost exactly that which my mother had told me.
The Tales of Beedle The Bard - ALBUS DUMBLEDORE on “The Warlock’s Hairy Heart”
Though some six centuries have elapsed since Beedle wrote this tale, and while we have devised innumerable ways of maintaining the illusion of our loved ones’ continuing presence
The Tales of Beedle The Bard - ALBUS DUMBLEDORE on “Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump”
The irony is that a curious legend has grown up around this story, which precisely contradicts the message of the original.
The Tales of Beedle The Bard - ALBUS DUMBLEDORE on “The Tale of the Three Brothers”
Med tanke på den slutliga berättelsen i boken, med tanke på den nära likheten mellan Beedles berättelse och de föremål som Peverell Brother skulle ha skapat (ungefär tre hundra år innan boken skrevs), är det möjligt om än osannolikt, givet deras betydande åldersskillnader, att han faktiskt träffade med en av de tre bröderna. Om han misslyckades så kan han helt enkelt ha berättat berättelsen av någon som har en anslutning till en av de mindre tecknen.