Principer enligt ICAO-avtal
Delegationen av ATC-tjänster är upphandlad mellan ICAO-medlemmar med bilaterala eller multilaterala överenskommelser. Fall av sådan delegering existerar typiskt för att täcka avlägset stort luftrum (t.ex. arktisk överenskommelse mellan flera länder) eller små områden (t.ex. öar).
ICAO-medlemmar är skyldiga att uppfylla besluten i deras beståndsdel, Chicago Convention , undertecknad 1944 Bland bilagorna till konventionen är bilaga 15 relaterat till tillhandahållande av flyginformationstjänster ( AIS):
Annex 15 defines how an aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate, collate or assemble, edit, format, publish/store and distribute specified aeronautical information/data. The goal is to satisfy the need for uniformity and consistency in the provision of aeronautical information/data that is required for the operational use by international civil aviation.
Påverkan på AIP
Bilaga 15 innehåller dessa generiska artiklar: Each Contracting State shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the aeronautical information/data it provides relating to its own territory, as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory, is adequate, of required quality and timely. This shall include arrangements for the timely provision of required information/data to the aeronautical information service by each of the State services associated with aircraft operations.
3.1.7 An aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate, collate or assemble, edit, format, publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory. Aeronautical information shall be published as an Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.
Jag kunde inte hitta beslutet att använda AIP ENR 2.2 (annat reglerat luftrum), men det är faktiskt informationen som hittas här, t.ex. i Norway AIP :
5: Delegation of Responsibility for Provision of ATS
5.1: General Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom have arranged through the exchange of bilateral Letters of Agreement to transfer the responsibility for provision of ATS within parts of their own area of responsibility, to their neighbouring State.
Procedures and communication within the said areas will be as if the airspace was an integral part of the FIR for which the nation mentioned is responsible.
Tvåriktad räckvidd
En effekt av dessa artiklar är både delegerande och de tillhandahållande staterna ska publicera information om relaterade områden. Till exempel i Spanska AIP , två fall beskrivs.
Spanien som delegerar till Portugal:
By agreement between Sevilla ACC and Lisboa ACC, the air traffic service is provided by Lisboa ACC within the airspace defined by [...]
Spanien får delegation från Portugal:
By agreement between Lisboa ACC and Madrid ACC, the air traffic service is provided by Madrid ACC within the airspace defined by [...]