Är den mångsidiga guden tilltalad i GoT S06?


I säsong 6 av Game of Thrones var Arya uppdraget att

killing the actor, and declined to complete the task. Jaqen H'ghar then tasks the Waif with killing Arya to appease the Many-Faced God. Arya, in the course of two battles, defeats and kills the Waif, hanging her face in the House of Black and White.

Är den mångfasade guden tilltalad? Ett namn talades och ett ansikte hängdes, men de håller inte med.

Jaqen H'ghar lets Arya (nee No One, nee Arya) leave without further retribution, but she is armed at the time.

Komplicerade frågor, tidigare i säsongen,

upon awakening Arya from her blindness, I believe Jaqen H'ghar says something to the effect of, "You can drink this and become No One, or drink this and become Arya, but you can't have both."

Detta föreslår att den skuld som Arya skulle behöva betala tillbaka utöver skulden till Många-Faced Gud för ansikte av skådespelerskan, baseras på att välja att bli Ingen och senare recanting.


uppsättning MattCole3 22.06.2016 20:51

1 svar



DB Weiss tog upp scenen i en Inne i episoden video

Ayra is in danger. She has an open wound in her stomach, and the one person who has been protecting her to this point unfortunately gets murdered. The fact that the Many-Faced God gets the people promised to him really makes you think that is just almost an inevitability about what happens to people who run afoul of the Faceless Men.

Getting to the final part of this sequence, Ayra is telling Jaqen by putting the face on the wall that this account has been settled and we’re good here, and I am going to walk away, and I think she knows what the answer is going to be.

The implication is that obviously Jaqen on some level was rooting for the outcome that he got. He may be No-One, but there is still enough of a person left in him to respect and admire who this girl is and what she has become. Ayra finally tells us something that we’ve kind of known all along, that she is not No-One, she’s Ayra Stark of Winterfell.

Så, Ayra släpptes för att Jaqen ville låta henne gå!


Jaqen säger till Ayra:

If a girl is truly No-One, she has nothing to fear.

Så vi har två alternativ här ...

  • Ayra är verkligen ingen
  • Drycken var bara ett test för att se om Ayra trodde hon var ingen.
  • Hur som helst, titta på ovanstående förklaring, Jaqen är okej med att låta henne gå.

    Vi har också bevis från första gången, att Arya möter Jaqen, att den Mångsidiga Guden är villig att undanta ersättare ...

    Jaqen: The Red God takes what is his, and only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from the Red God, we have to give them back. Speak three names and the man will do the rest... Three lives I will give you, no more, no less then we are done.

    svaret ges 22.06.2016 21:45