Fantasy roman Jag läste för en tid sedan om magi som tendrils i luften


Jag läste det ganska länge sedan, förmodligen en bra 15 till 20 år. Jag kommer inte ihåg för många detaljer, men det jag minns är att det fanns ett rike där kungen hade ett magiskt svärd som gjorde att han kunde kontrollera magi. Han skulle se magiken som tendrils och vid en tidpunkt kom en viss magi från sitt svärd ut och han grep tendrilsna och satte dem tillbaka i svärdet.

Jag kommer ihåg att han hade ett möte med en trollkarl och efter att trollkarlen teleporterade iväg, var magiska trollar i luften en röra och kungen var tvungen att ta dem bort.

Det är tyvärr det mesta som jag minns. Jag har provat flera gånger under åren för att söka efter det på internet men jag har misslyckats varje gång.

uppsättning Quazimortal 06.07.2017 08:54

1 svar


Det här låter som Enchanted Forest Chronicles av Patricia C. Wrede

Den består av fyra böcker

  • Hantera drakar

  • Söka efter drakar

  • Ringa på drakar

  • Pratar med drakar

  • Den förtrollande skogens nuvarande kung kan se skogens magi som tendrils i luften, och det här nätverket av magiska tendrils håller skogen levande. Han kan känna när något är fel i skogen genom sitt svärd som är knuten till nätverket av magi. Trollkarlar i dessa böcker har staber som stjäl omgivande magi från dem och lagrar den för senare användning. Konungen på en punkt klagar på att detta kan leda till att tendrilsna knyter upp och då måste han ångra det. Berättelserna har många nöjer till olika sagor i dem och har en bra ljuvlig humor om dem.

    Här är en lista över huvudpersonerna som visas i böckerna från Wikipedia


    Cimorene - A highly intelligent and strong-willed princess of Linderwall. The youngest of six beautiful sisters, she is unlike them in both personality and physical appearance, being tall and black-haired rather than blonde and petite.

    Zemenar - The Head Wizard of the Society of Wizards, given to being devious and under-handed. Grey-haired with a long, grey beard.

    Antorell - The son of Zemenar and a fairly incompetent wizard, with brown hair and beard. Antorell is consistently referred to as not being very smart or intimidating, and is easily manipulated by others.

    Morwen - A practical-minded and highly sensible witch who lives in the Enchanted Forest with her nine cats. She is short, with ginger hair and small square glasses. She infuriates Vamist in the third book with her nine cats (he thinks witches should only have one), none of whom are black, and the fact that she grows plain apples in her garden, among other things.

    Telemain - An academic magician whose goal in life is to discover the inner workings of every existing type of magic, and has a particular interest in learning the ways of the very secretive wizards. Moderate height with black hair and beard; has a tendency to indulge in overly long and complex technical explanations.

    Mendanbar - The King of the Enchanted Forest, an intelligent young man who does not particularly enjoy being king or "being 'Your Majestied' every third word". Tall and black-haired, marries Cimorene at the end of the second book.

    Alianora - The Princess of Duchy of Toure-on-Marsh, captured by Woraug, who becomes friends with Cimorene. Petite with crystallized honey hair. A major character in the first book.

    Vamist - Arona Michaelear Grinogion Vamist is a middle-aged, balding campaigner for traditional magic, causing many citizens of the world of the Enchanted Forest—including but not limited to fire-witches and witches that have more than one cat—to go into hiding, and forcing the rest to conform to his ideas of normalcy. A major character in the third book who meets a rather humorous end.

    Daystar - Cimorene and Mendabar's only child, fairly tall with black hair like his parents. Daystar is raised in secrecy by Cimorene, thus does not know his heritage, and is greatly confused when the Society of Wizards deems him a threat.

    Shiara - A fire-witch who aids Prince Daystar in his quest. She is not particularly polite, and frequently mouths off or bursts into tears at the slightest hint of stress due to her unstable fire-witch powers.


    Kazul - A high-ranking female dragon, with bright green scales, whom Cimorene runs away to work for. She becomes King of the dragons in the first book.

    Woraug - A distinctly unpleasant bright green dragon, who apparently dislikes Cimorene from the start.

    Tokoz - King of the Dragons before Kazul; appears only in the first book of the series.

    Roxim - An older dragon with a manner much like a favored uncle. His allergy to wizards (and their staffs) is particularly severe.

    Unnamed young dragon - Kazul's grandchild, arguably her "most irritating" one, and too young to pick a permanent name; travels with Prince Daystar.


    Murgatroyd - one of Morwen's cats, male, quiet and reserved attitude.

    Fiddlesticks - one of Morwen's cats, seal brown male, large appetite (particularly for fish), fairly nosy when he's not involved in a conversation.

    Miss Eliza Tudor - one of Morwen's cats, white and fluffy female with blue eyes, as polite as can be expected.

    Scorn - one of Morwen's cats, calico female, lives up to her name, forms a relationship with Horatio.

    Jasmine - one of Morwen's cats, ginger female, lazy.

    Trouble - one of Morwen's cats, a large grey tom with a crooked tail and ragged ear, expresses some jealousy towards Horatio, generally lives up to his name.

    Jasper Darlington Higgins IV - one of Morwen's cats, cream and silver male.

    Chaos - one of Morwen's cats, grey long-haired tabby male, described as fat.

    Aunt Ophelia - one of Morwen's cats, spiky tortoiseshell female, speaks like a Southern Belle.

    Quiz - one of Morwen's cats, child of Scorn, also known as the Grand Inquisitor. Black and white, possibly a son of Horatio.

    Cassandra - one of Morwen's cats, child of Scorn, grey female, not very noticeable. (Possibly a daughter of Trouble, as Horatio and Scorn would have produced only black and white offspring.)

    Grendel - cat belonging to the witch Archaniz, fat black male, not very intelligent.

    Horatio - cat belonging to Brandel (a fire witch), black male with white paws and chin, forms a relationship with Scorn.

    Nightwitch - kitten belonging to Shiara, gifted by Morwen to her. She appears similar to Horatio and Quiz, is more than likely one of their descendants.

    Killer - rabbit that is affected by a number of spells throughout the book Calling on Dragons, by the end being a 7-foot 11-inch blue floating insubstantial winged donkey.

    svaret ges 06.07.2017 17:11