How sparade polisen gisslan i banken i Inside Man?


Hur räddade polisen gisslan i banken i Inside Man? Jag förstod inte filmen.

uppsättning Amy 18.01.2013 12:00

1 svar


Från wikisidan för Innehåll :

The robbers detonate smoke bombs throughout the bank and release the hostages, resulting in a horde of identically dressed people exiting through the smoke in mass confusion. The police detain and interrogate everyone. However, the police are unable to distinguish the robbers from among the hostages. The police search fails to turn up Russell, but reveals the hostage execution was faked and the robbers' weapons turn out to be plastic toy replicas. As nothing appears to have been stolen, Frazier's superior orders him to bury the case, commenting "What do you expect me to say?".

Så, i själva verket lagde polisen inte riktigt gisslan själva - rånarna släppte dem som en del av sitt utarbetade system. Om du kommer ihåg var hela planens plan att gömma ledare (Clive Owen) inuti byggnaden.

svaret ges 18.01.2013 14:36