Drifting är lite förvirrande.
I både filmen och novelleringen står det att pilots sinnen arbetar i konsert och delar neurala belastningar, men vi upplever upprepade gånger att varje pilot verkar självständigt ibland.
Konstboken "Stillahavsområdet: Man, Maskiner och Monsters" diskuterar Wei-tripletterna och Crimson Typhoon.
Once it was set that Crimson Typhoon would have three pilots, that Jaeger got three arms. "One of the brothers would be the weapons guy and the other two would be pilots in normal combat," says del Toro, "and then when it becomes the Thundercloud Formation, which is the three going at the same time, the three of them would have control."
Bortsett från det här citatet indikerar allt material att alla tre bröderna delar hela nervbelastningen hela tiden under driften. Till exempel denna passage från noveliseringen:
The Wei triplets moved like they were one person. All Ranger pairs moved in unison while they were Drifting, but the quality of the Wei's handshake was different. Raleigh wondered what it was like. He'd had plenty of Drifts with his brother, but he and Yancy weren't identical. Seemed to Raleigh that the Weis must lose track of who was who... but maybe that was just because he didn't know what their Drift was like.
Tyvärr går inget av materialen verkligen i specifika uppgifter om Wei-tripletterna eller Crimson Typhoon. Det närmaste vi får är en dokumentation angående Crimson Typhoon i novelleringen som diskuterar det faktum att Crimson Typhoon var speciellt byggd för tripletterna.
Crimson Typhoon was specifically designed for the Wei triplets in mind, once Dr Lightcap had worked out the specifications for a triple neural-handshake and a three-layered Pons interface structure. The Weis and Crimson Typhoon are so closely identified with each other that it is doubtful any three other Rangers would be able to control Crimson Typhoon.