Vad var Voldemorts ultimata ambition i HPMOR?


Den ultimata fan-fiction Harry Potter och de Metoder för Rationell vid Eliezer Yudkowsky täcker historien om Harry Potter-Evans-Verres, som höjs med Petunia Evans-Verres och hennes professor make Michael Verres-Evans.

Harry går till Hogwarts, och ... (betydande subjektivt tid förflutit) ...

Uppfyller Voldemort!

Voldemort (genom att ha haft en viss person som ska förbli anonym för rädsla för spoilers) har visat sig missnöje / misstro mot andra människor, eftersom de är föraktiga av dem.

Med Harry lyssna, Voldemort detaljer sina planer på att bli härskare över Storbritannien för att hans Dödsätare:

A cold high laugh. "Ah, Mr. White, the most delinquent of my servants. I have not yet decided if you will survive your punishment. I have less need of you than I once did, Mr. White. In two days' time the Death Eaters shall walk openly. My powers have increased, and I have just this day disposed of Dumbledore." More gasps of shock arose from the Death Eaters, Voldemort paid them no heed. "Tomorrow I shall slay Bones, Crouch, Moody and Scrimgeour, if they have not fled. The rest of you shall go into the Ministry and the Wizengamot, and cast Imperius Curses as I direct you. We are finished waiting. By tomorrow's nightfall I shall have declared myself Lord Ruler of Britain!"

Men Voldemort är också visat sig vara en mästare på bedrägeri: "| Voldemort |" ersatt för namnet på personen Voldemort ägde

(|Voldemort| had remarked over their lunch that Harry really needed to conceal his state of mind better than putting on a blank face when someone discussed a dangerous topic, and had explained about one-level deceptions, two-level deceptions, and so on. So either Severus was in fact modelling Harry as a one-level player, which made Severus himself two-level, and Harry's three-level move had been successful; or Severus was a four-level player and wanted Harry to think the deception had been successful. Harry, smiling, had asked |Voldemort| what level he played at, and |Voldemort|, also smiling, had responded, One level higher than you.)

Så det är helt möjligt att bli mästare i Storbritannien var egentligen inte hans plan.

Dessutom gjorde Voldemort inte härleda någon glädje alls från dom:

"Yes," Harry said, his voice almost breaking. "If your goal is to obtain happiness, then doing nice things for other people feels better than doing them for yourself—"

"Do you really think I never thought of that, boy?" The smile had vanished. "Do you think I am stupid? After graduating Hogwarts I wandered the world for many years, before I returned to Britain as Lord Voldemort. I have put on more faces than I bothered counting. Do you think I have never tried to play the hero, just to see how it would feel? Have you come across the name of Alexander Chernyshov? Under that guise, I sought out a forlorn hellhole ruled over by a Dark Wizard, and I freed the wretched inhabitants from their bondage. They wept tears of gratitude over me. It did not feel like anything in particular. I even stayed about and killed the next five Dark Wizards to try taking command of the place. I spent my own Galleons—well, not my own Galleons, but the same principle applies—to prettify their little country and introduce a semblance of order. They groveled all the more, and named one in three of their infants Alexander. I still felt nothing, so I nodded to myself, wrote it off as a fair try, and went upon my way."

Så vad var Voldemorts ultimata ambition? Var det faktiskt att bli linjal i Storbritannien? Eller världen? Eller något annat helt?

uppsättning The Dark Lord 19.03.2016 02:03

1 svar


Voldemorts yttersta ambition var lite mer än att vara mindre uttråkad.

Det som Voldemort är mest rädd för är döden, så han bestämmer sig för att undvika den möjligheten som sin första prioritet. Han handlar ganska handikappligt med den lilla olägenheten genom sin användning av Horcruxes och bestämmer sig sedan för att ta reda på vad han vill göra med sitt eviga liv efter det.

Han spenderar en tid på att vandra världen, försöker sin hand på både hjälteman och skurk, men finner ingen verklig glädje i någon av dem.

"After graduating Hogwarts I wandered the world for years, before I returned to Britain as Lord Voldemort. I have put on more faces than I bothered counting. Do you think I never tried to play the hero, just to see how it would feel? ... It did not feel like anything in particular. ... so I nodded to myself, wrote it off as a fair try, and went upon my way."

“And were you happy as Lord Voldemort, then?” Harry’s voice had risen, grown wild.

|Voldemort| hesitated, then shrugged. “It appears you already know the answer to that.”

(Bolding läggs till)

Finns lite verklig glädje i saker, bestämmer han sig för att spendera sin tid på att göra vad han kan för att förhindra att hans evighet blir mer dugg och tråkig än den redan är, i form av försök att skydda världen från ett upplevt hot. För detta ändamål försöker han uppnå politisk makt genom kontroll av magisk Storbritannien, inte för att han faktiskt vill ha det, men för att det är det mest effektiva sättet att nå sina mål.

"Listen, boy, when I had devised my great creation and come into the fullness of my magic, I thought the time had come for me to take political power into my hands. It would be inconvenient, certainly, and take up my time in ways that were not enjoyable. But I knew the Muggles would eventually destroy the world or make war on wizardkind or both, and something had to be done if I was not to wander a dead or dull world through my eternity. Having attained immortality I needed a new ambition to occupy my decades, and to prevent the Muggles from ruining everything seemed a goal of acceptable scope and difficulty. It is a source of continual amusement to me that I, of all people, am the only one really taking action towards that end."

(Bolding läggs till)

Naturligtvis, som man vet vid denna punkt, spelade Voldemort faktiskt båda sidor av konflikten. Hans ursprungliga avsikt var att Voldemorts persona skulle besegras och att ta makten på ett mer rättfärdigt sätt, men tyvärr passade inte bilden av en hjälte med den enda som tycktes ge honom någon riktig glädje .. .

“Why not?”

“Because I still would’ve been surrounded by idiots, and I wouldn’t have been able to kill them,” |Voldemort| said mildly. “Killing idiots is my great joy in life, and I’ll thank you not to speak ill of it until you’ve tried it for yourself.”

(Bolding läggs till)

svaret ges 19.03.2016 07:20