Changing attribut och EP


Jag har utarbetat en houserule, men finns det någon officiell dom om vad som händer i BESM 3: e upplagan till ditt EP eller HP totalt när din statistik förändras? Till exempel, om du dränerar någons Mind-poäng och ökar din egen, höjer din EP-lock; ökar din nuvarande EP-summa för att möta den? Om du har din Mind-poäng tömd, sänker din EP-lock ökar din nuvarande EP-summa också?

uppsättning Yamikuronue 19.02.2014 16:24

1 svar


Det nämns i attributet Alternativt formulär, s. 19 (betonar min):

Whenever characters who have lost Health Points change form, their present totals are always adjusted proportionately: multiply current Health Points by their latest form’s base Health Points and then divide by their prior form’s base Health Points (Current Health x New Form Base Health ÷ Old Form Base Health). The same applies to Energy Points. This means that if a human with 60 Health Points was reduced to 30 Health Points after taking various injuries, and then changed into a cat with a base 20 Health Points, the cat-form’s current Health Points would be 30 x 20 ÷ by 60 = 10 Health Points. Suppose the shapeshifter then suffered further injuries whilst a cat, dropping to 2 Health Points; after turning back to human form, he or she would become a human with 2 x 60 ÷ 20 = 6 Health Points.

Medan det ligger i attributet Alternativform, skulle detta logiskt tillämpas på allt som ändrar din statistik.

svaret ges 06.03.2014 22:47