Vad är Londo Mollari accent?


I Babylon 5 talar Londo Mollaris tecken med en mycket distinkt accent som du kan höra till exempel i den här videon:


Det är verkligen inte skådespelarens egentliga accent. Det kan vara menat att vara en slags Centauri-accent, eftersom Lord Refa har det som låter som en tonad, mindre stark version av samma accent. Det låter vagt medelhavet för mig (spanska? Italienska?), Men jag är inte säker. Jag är nyfiken på hur Peter Jurasik kom fram med denna accent, och vad om något det var baserat på.

Var Londo accent baserat på någon verklig accent, eller hur var den utformad?

uppsättning Rand al'Thor 21.08.2017 23:27

2 svar


Per denna intervju , det är en blandning av tjeckoslovakian och parolen officer (Mr Deltoid) från filmen " En Clockwork Orange ". Det är tänkt att förmedla en slags "courtly" -ton.

Jurasik: The quick story about the accent, if I can tell you how I patchworked it together, is I was doing a play downtown, a Tennessee Williams play, and I worked really hard on a Memphis accent. I felt like I had really nailed it. But one L.A. critic nailed me and said, "That’s a terrible Memphis accent. That doesn’t sound like a Southern accent." I was really hurt. About that time was when "The Gathering," the pilot, showed up. I called Joe and said, "What do you want me to sound like?" He said, "Let him sound like whatever you want," so I purposely took a couple of different things. There’s a character who plays the parole officer in A Clockwork Orange, the guy who’s always saying, "And night-time is the best time, um, yes?" I took my Czechoslovakian grandmother. I had spent three consecutive summers in Ireland. I didn’t always take sounds; I took rhythms. Londo had a kind of musical thing.

Peter Jurasik (Dr. Geiger) Chat at I.D.I.C Online on July 10, 1999

Det finns uppenbarligen också en liten bit av en irländsk brogue där också. Observera att han har berättat historien så många gånger att citatet nedan är nästan identiskt, trots att det är nästan två år från varandra.

Jurasik: The story I always tell in conventions, which is true, is I had just finished a play in Los Angeles, a Tennessee Williams play, and I had gotten bad reviews for a Memphis accent that I did. And I had worked really hard on this Memphis accent, and I had it nailed perfectly and people from Memphis said to me, "Wow, you sound like you grew up next door to me." Then some dumb ass reviewer said, "That's not a very good Memphis accent."

IGNFF: From L.A.

Jurasik: Yeah, from L.A. He wouldn't know a Memphis accent anyway. But being the insecure actor that I am, I took that hard. You take stuff like that, when it's in the L.A. Times, it hurts you anyway ... When I got Babylon, I realized this is a great opportunity for me. I will be the first Centauri, and I can make him talk anyway he wants, and no reviewer will ever be able to say, "That's not what a Centauri sounds like. What a terrible Centauri accent he's doing." Because I'm the first Centauri, so I make him talk any way I want. So, I made the accent up, a kind of amalgam of a number of different accents. I used a little of my Slovak grandmother, and I mentioned Ireland; I love the rhythms of Irish. So I mixed it up and made it my own.



IuniversumbeskrivdeshowrunnerJMSdetsomassocieratmed de övre klasserna , varför yngre (och lägre klass) Centauri som Vir har en annan accent men att Refa och kejsaren Turhan låter likartad.

Q. Speaking of Londo's accent, I'm assuming that different Centauri accents represent people from different areas of the planet? Anything significant in all this, or just a bit of differentiation?

JMS: No, we've just always assumed that not everyone on any given planet is going to speak with the same accent as everybody else from that planet. Seems more realistic.

Certainly, among Centauri, a certain accent is more associated with the "old school" of court nobility and the like.

JMS: Aol Chat

svaret ges 21.08.2017 23:29

Jag tror att han tog många olika typer av accenter, inklusive brittiska, medelhavs- och transsylvaniens överklass och kombinerade dem med den accent han använde för Sid the Snitch på Hill Street Blues.

svaret ges 22.08.2017 17:19