Ja, enligt filmens visuella ordbok har den modifierade AT-M6 ett specifikt försvar mot kabeln -wrapping attack ses i Empire slår tillbaka. Framsidan av benet har lyftande (skarpa) skärande kanter.
"Ventilationsportar i fotmekanismen dubblar också som kabelskärare"
Denna fråga togs också upp i en intervju med filmens konstruktör Kevin Jenkins.
One of the questions that tied us up a lot is the fact that they’d been taken down by snowspeeders in The Empire Strikes Back, and it felt like everyone else is trying to avoid the problem of a four-legged version of a walker because they had been defeated on Hoth. So I sort of took that on board and I suggested to Rian, “Well, instead of a dog, what about a gorilla?”
The front legs are very heavily armored, and you can see almost up to the forearm. And again, that’s my take on, “You can’t take these down with a snowspeeder.” They’ve armored up the front or maybe they just cut the ropes because they are too big now. Also, the way they are balanced now is like a gorilla, because their knuckles are turned backwards and they’ve got very high shoulders. They are a completely different poise. Maybe they could even sort of kneel down or something.
StarWars.com: I’m glad to hear that they finally figured out how to defend against tow cables.
Kevin Jenkins: Well, it was more of a thought process of trying to base the design not upon something random but to move it forward.