Youths kan teleportera, de jagas av regeringen


Det fanns en film från 80-talet där ungdomar kan teleportera var som helst de tror.

Dessa killar rekryteras för att göra studier med dem, kanske från regeringen eller ett hemligt företag som vill utnyttja sina möjligheter.

Jag såg den på på kabel-TV runt 1990-1997.

Några ledtrådar?

uppsättning Kuy 02.01.2019 03:31

1 svar


Jag satsar på att du tänker på Morgonmänniskorna , som flyttade från 1973 till 1979, eller återupptagningen, släppt på 1990-talet .

The original series was produced by Thames Television for ITV. The Tomorrow People operate from a secret base, The lab, built in an abandoned London Underground station. The team constantly watches for new Tomorrow People "breaking out" (usually around the age of puberty) to help them through the process as the youngsters endure mental agonies as their minds suddenly change. They sometimes deal with attention from extraterrestrial species as well as facing more earthbound dangers with military forces across the globe keen to recruit or capture them for their own ends. One thing they lack is that they are incapable of ever killing another life intentionally. This pacifistic element of their make up is referred to as the "prime barrier" and any Tomorrow Person who causes the loss of life would be driven insane by the confusion in their brain (although it would appear that none of them are vegetarians so clearly have no issue with being carnivores). They also have connections with the "Galactic Federation" which oversees the welfare of telepathic species throughout the galaxy. In addition to their psychic powers (the so-called 3T's of telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation), they use advanced technology such as the biological (called in the series "biotronic") computer TIM, which is capable of original thought, telepathy, and can augment their psychic powers. TIM also helps the Tomorrow People to teleport long distances, although they must be wearing a device installed into a belt or bracelet for this to work. Teleportation is referred to as jaunting in the programme. The team used jaunting belts up to the end of Series 5, after which they used much smaller wristbands.

Detta har de teleporterande ungdomarna, som förvaltas av regeringen, i rätt tid. Den enda fångsten är att det var en tv-serie, inte en film, även om jag inte skulle bli förvånad om flera episoder visades i följd eller bundna som sådana som en film med funktionslängd.

Intro (original)



svaret ges 02.01.2019 04:20