När var S.H.I.E.L.D. twist beslutade och vem fattade beslutet?


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S.H.I.E.L.D. had been infiltrated by Hydra

från Vinter soldaten var troligen en retcon som inte hade bestämts från början. Detta ställer frågan om när beslutet att vrida gjordes. Jag skulle också vilja veta om beslutet gjordes av en regissör, av Marvel higher-ups eller av någon annan.

Jag letar efter svar från intervjuer, kommentarer etc.

uppsättning Rogue Jedi 03.10.2015 19:51

1 svar


Det var nog Kevin Feige, en gång innan de slutade skjuta Avengers .

I en intervju med / Film var Kevin Feige (president för Marvel Studios) ställde denna fråga ganska direkt. Eftersom Feige sitter nära toppen av Marvel-produktionens livsmedelskedja, är det troligt att han fattade beslutet att springa med denna idé.

Det låter som om det här är en idé som flyter runt när de gjorde First Avenger , och det blev låst strax efter att de slutade skjuta Avengers . Här är hans fulla svar:

So you spent eight movies and a TV show building up S.H.I.E.L.D. and then in this movie, you say good-bye to S.H.I.E.L.D. When did you get that idea to sort of have HYDRA be underneath it all?

Well it was sort of a notion I had in the back of my head during Captain America 1 when we were sort of plotting the timelines for Cap and Avengers. The S.S.R. and Howard Stark’s involvement and, you know, people always ask, do you have master timelines of all the different movies? And we don’t really, but we do have timelines of the details of some of the movies, like the Stark family and things like that. And we were putting that together. And I started to get excited again, just sort of in the back of my own head about the idea that the S.S.R. help defeat the Nazis obviously, but also HYDRA. And that would make sense that the United States truly did bring in some of those HYDRA scientists and experts in technology to incorporate it and that much of what became S.H.I.E.L.D. signature items were a part of the HYDRA Corps brand. And what if you took that to another level and said “Oh, they’ve been in there the whole time, they’ve been growing in there the whole time.” And at some point reveal that much of the work S.H.I.E.L.D. had done was all for this, for the purpose of eventually bringing back HYDRA.

And I think the first person I actually sort of verbalized it to was Chris Evans. On the last day of shooting we were in Central Park on Avengers and he goes “So what are we doing for the next one?” I said, “Well, you know, we love Brubaker’s Winter Soldier, we think there could be something there. And have Sebastian [Stan] become a totally different version of himself. We also have this notion about SHIELD.” He was like “Holy crap, what the…?” And just based on his reaction it was like, “Oh maybe this is good.”

Eftersom ideen inte bestämdes när de gjorde First Avenger , var det förmodligen inte några uttryckliga beslut som gjordes för att förhöja HYDRA-avslöjandet. De kan ha fattat beslut som skulle göra en sådan plotlin lättare att motivera senare (eller åtminstone inte utesluta) men inte direkt leda till det.

svaret ges 03.10.2015 20:23