Vad är den politiska situationen för The Force Awakens?


Jag hatar att jag måste säga detta, men Abrams får mig att önska mer politik i den nya Star Wars. Mestadels om interaktionerna mellan de två huvudsakliga fraktionerna:

So we have the First Order (referred to henceforth as the First Rodeo) and the Resistance. It seems to me like the First Rodeo is descended from the Empire, or at least its military, though for much of the movie they're attacking rather than defending, which makes me think they started from a much lower position. On the other side of the spectrum, there's the Resistance (referred to henceforth as Revengeance), who always seems to be defending, or at least reacting to the First Rodeo. Plus, they seem connected to the Republic, which I assume is an offshoot of the Empire's government, or of the government of the prequels' Republic. So it makes no sense to me why the Revengeance has such a name, since they seem to be operating in a similar capacity to the GAR or the Imperial Stormtroopers.

Så undrar jag mest vad som är som i andra delar av galaxen. Är första Rodeo faktiskt vinna överallt, eller är hämnden faktiskt mindre än de verkar? Gör dessa namn någon mening? Finns det verkligen några svar alls?

uppsättning DaaaahWhoosh 18.12.2015 15:17

1 svar


Jag tror att starten på detta förklaras i Efterföljning och Lost Stars böckerna.

After the battle of Jakku a treaty was signed carving up the galaxy. The new republic with some systems and the vestige of the empire with others.

I Force väcker det verkar

Some of these vestiges formed into the resurgent new order. It seems but is not totally clear yet, that the rebellion is a separate entity fighting against the first order. In a speech made by General Hux he accuses the Republic of supporting the Rebellion, as in a proxy war. There is very little about the new republic in TFA so we will have to wait to find out what is happening in more detail.

Det är också uppenbart att i slutet av kraften vaknar det

The new republic's home system, including it's fleet are lost. The Resistance have lost half their fleet of X-Wings.

Så vad den politiska situationen efter filmen är kan vara någon gissning.

svaret ges 18.12.2015 15:57