Det verkar som om flashsekvenserna i Airbus och Boeings är olika . Till exempel ger följande bild blinkningssekvensen i Airbus A320:
Bildfrån LED Anticollision Lighting System för A320 av UTC Aerospace Systems
Notera de olika blinkande sekvenserna för olika lampor. Se även den här frågan .
När det gäller bestämmelserna, säger 14 CFR 23.1401 - Anticollision light system att:
(c) Flashing characteristics. The arrangement of the system, that is, the number of light sources, beam width, speed of rotation, and other characteristics, must give an effective flash frequency of not less than 40, nor more than 100, cycles per minute. The effective flash frequency is the frequency at which the airplane's complete anticollision light system is observed from a distance, and applies to each sector of light including any overlaps that exist when the system consists of more than one light source. In overlaps, flash frequencies may exceed 100, but not 180, cycles per minute.