Ett ljud som "stötande metall" och / eller "hat" beskriver självklart death metal vocals . Detta framhävs av infernal script s uppenbara affinitet för umlauts.
Den Fiendish Codex II: Tyrannor av de Nio Hells sourcebook för D & D 3.5e har på sidan 28 ett sidofält "The Infernal Tongue":
Devils speak and write Infernal, a painfully rigorous language that formed spontaneously on Asmodeus's stern lips when he landed at the bottom of the Pit. Best pronounced with a forked or wriggling tongue, Infernal uses a mathematically rigid grammar. Only one correct way exists to construct any given statement in Infernal. Thus, devils are quick to mock non-native speakers. Except when in disguise, they find the urge to correct errors in spoken or written infernal nearly impossible to resist.
[...] most unique devils also speak an archaic form of Infernal known as Mabrahoring (High Infernal). This rarefied tongue is rarely spoken outside the citadels of Baator. Only unique devils can learn and speak the language.