Vad är det med Lukas arm?


I slutet av den sista Jedi, Luke

disappears. Luke, of course, lost his arm at the end of Empire...and in the previous two examples of this particularly tidy death tradition, it's clear that only the body, and not the clothes, for example, disappear. His mechanical arm didn't clatter to the stone beneath, as one would expect.

Är detta helt enkelt ett tillsyn?

uppsättning Chris B. Behrens 25.12.2017 20:11

1 svar


Det har redan etablerats att när en Jedi blir en med kraften, att de (ibland) tar fysiska föremål med dem. Yoda går med sina kläder och halsband.



Detkanroadigförattläradigattförfattarna faktiskt gav denna fråga allvarliga överväganden .

Q: So Luke has a metal hand and passes into the Force. Does the hand go with him when he goes? Does he get a new hand? WHAT HAPPENS?

Mark Hamill: Me too. Let me know if you get an answer.

Rian Johnson: In the edit room someone joke suggested that when he fades away his robot hand should clank down onto the rock. Might have undercut the moment.

svaret ges 25.12.2017 20:44