Jag har precis slutat läsa "A Scanner Darkly" av Philip K. Dick och av någon anledning är jag lite förvirrad över det faktiska slutet. Warning Spoilers Below!
It is clear that Bob Arctor is completely fried at the end and the brain damage is very likely irreversible. He is sent to the farm run by New Path that is growing the blue-flowered plants that are used to derive Substance D as a zombie, living in body but dead in spirit. It is also clear that Mike from New Path and Donna, who we find out is a Federal Agent, are working together.
Det finns två möjligheter, som jag ser det. En är:
Donna and Mike purposely let Arctor fall into ruin so that they could get somebody inside the New Path farm and that hopefully this would help Donna's investigation into finding a major supplier of Substance D. In this scenario they may have been banking on Arctor somehow recovering his mind and giving useful information to Donna or Mike.
Det andra scenariot som kan vara meningsfullt för mig är:
The Federal Government is actually supporting the New Path program, and Donna as a Federal Agent is tasked with keeping this secret from other law enforcement agencies. In this scenario she purposely destroyed Arctor because she knew he was a narc and was trying to use her to find out who her supplier was. She clearly felt love for him though, and was torn with guilt over it.
Eller kanske missförstod jag slutet helt och jag har det helt fel?