South Parks produktionsprocess är välkänd, du behöver bara titta på dokumentären 6 dagar till luft :
The film follows the show's hectic, rushed six-day production schedule, in which a 22-minute episode is completed just hours before its original air date.
(Detta är ett citat från Wikipedia.)
Fakta om den här episodens första episod de upplevde en stor störning några timmar före lobbyn :
“Member Berries” was broadcast at 10 p.m. on Sept. 14, but hardly without last-minute incident. That morning, South Park Studios suffered a system crash, and the episode’s audio went missing for an hour and a half.
When the episode was transmitted to Comedy Central, it had a mystery six-frame sync problem that was finally fixed and delivered one hour before airtime.
Det finns dessutom bevis på att för förra veckans episod skaparna hade presenterat en Clinton vinna , med den ursprungliga synopsisen är:
The new administration has plans for Gerald on an all-new episode of South Park titled "The Very First Gentleman" on Wednesday, November 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central. PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile, Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter.
Notera titeln på avsnittet.