Var de Kaiju-metamorfiska djuren?


När jag tänkte på Stillahavsområdet såg det mig att flera faktorer föreslog att Kaiju verkligen var en varelse som går genom metamorfiska förändringar (som hur larver blir blommor). Dessa faktorer är:

  • De hade identiska DNA (jag glömmer vem som nämner det), men ändå ..
  • Var och en hade ett annorlunda utseende.
  • De blev progressivt större.
  • Det gick inte att skicka dem.
  • Mot slutet började de komma i grupper.
  • De hade en psykisk koppling.
  • Jag trodde att de här punkterna skulle vara meningsfulla om:

  • Kaiju var alla födda av samma förälder (identiskt DNA).
  • De var en metamorphic varelse (annorlunda utseende).
  • Varelser blir vanligtvis större när de växer (sant för både metamorfa och icke-metamofiska varelser, men stöder samma del / åldersdel)
  • Lackerna kan förklaras av en period där varelserna genomgick metamorfos (som larmen i kokonen).
  • Utlänningsintelligensen tyckte att de yngre hade mindre chans att överleva länge / göra mycket skador, så skickades bara en i taget. Senare utvecklades de till mer på en gång.
  • Den psykiska anslutningen igen (vagt) stöder "relateradhet".
  • Jag inser att det inte fanns några direkta förslag i filmen att de var metamorfa. Vad jag undrade var: Finns det några kommentarer eller "bakgrundsinformation" (intervjuer etc.) som föreslår att det var ett koncept som filmskaparna övervägde att lägga fram, men (av vilket skäl som helst) det gick ner under processen att göra filmen ?

    uppsättning Andrew Thompson 06.02.2014 01:25

    1 svar


    Nej, de är inte metamorfa.

    Novelleringen behandlar ganska mycket alla dina frågor och teorier. Kaiju tillverkas med hjälp av klonade delar, men varje enskild kaiju är inte en klon själv.

    "This was harvested in Manila, six years ago."

    I killed the kaiju that gland came from, Herc thought. He stepped closer, crossing from Gottlieb's Prussian fantasy of order to Newt's intuitive maelstrom. He looked closer at the two glands.

    They were identical.

    Herc looked at Pentecost, who was looking at Newt with absolute concentration. In the background, Gottlieb was making a great show of ignoring Newt.

    "Same exact DNA," Newt said. "Two different specimens, two exact organ clones."

    "Same DNA," Pentecost echoed.

    "Identical," Newt said. "Like spare parts in an assembly line. The entire organisms are obviously not the same, but different parts are absolutely taken from identical cloned snippets of DNA. This is a manufactured organ. It did not evolve this way. There is something more here than just monsters wandering through an interdimensional hole, and we need to know what."

    Och senare ...

    "The kaiju... the reason I found identical DNA in two separate samples is because they're grown. Fabricated, assembled. Made of spare parts."

    Från forskningsrapporten utarbetad av Dr. Newton Geiszler och Dr. Hermann Gottlieb

    Dr. Newton Geiszler has conclusively demonstrated DNA repetition among different individual kaiju. Using multiple organs and a number of different individuals, Dr. Geiszler discovered repeated DNA markers in all specimens. These repetitions occur in the same sequences, suggesting three related possibilities

  • The kaiju are manufactured
  • Some of the repeated strands of DNA act as encoding mechanisms for a kind of species memory.
  • The kaiju passing through the Breach transmit their experiences on Earth back to the Anteverse.
  • Dr. Hermann Gottleib endorses Dr. Geiszler's conclusions.

    Kaiju science believes the kaiju are created weaponry. Given this troubling observation, it must be argued that we are in an arms race with the kaiju. The kaiju get larger and more powerful with successive generations (see attached chart plotting size against frequency of Breach openings).


    We must confront the possibility that new kaiju will have built-in countermeasures to our standard combat protocols.

    Slutligen överväger Newt betydelsen av att Otachi är gravid med en icke-klon.

    Seeing it was enough to make Newt rethink everything he thought he knew about kaiju procreation... and Precursor strategy. He'd known they had reproductive organs and assumed they could breed, but if a pregnant kaiju had been sent, and gone into combat first before trying to deliver its child...

    Newt wouldn't have thought it possible for the news from the Anteverse to get worse, but he had a feeling it just had.

    They wouldn't have to build every individual. All they had to do was hit on the right model and get two of them through the Breach to start breeding. If Hermann was right - a long shot, but always possible - that could start happening any time now. If four kaiju came through, and two of them could breed with each other, the other two could keep the Jaegers busy long enough that before anyone could do anything about it, the coastlines of Planet Earth would all be under siege by native-born kaiju.

    svaret ges 06.02.2014 02:27