Does J.K. Rowling Favorit Halloween som dödsdatum?


Finns det en särskild betydelse för dödsdatumet den 31 oktober för J.K. Rowling? Jag märkte både nästan Headless Nick och Potters dödades på Halloween. Finns det några intervjuer eller chattar där J.K. Rowling diskuterar detta?


Large, rotten fish were laid on handsome silver platters; cakes, burned charcoal black, were heaped on salvers; there was a great maggoty haggis, a slab of cheese covered in furry green mould and, in pride of place, an enormous grey cake in the shape of a tombstone, with tar-like icing forming the words, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington - died 31st October, 1492

Chamber of Secrets - page 102 - British Hardcover


[The headstone] was made of white marble, just like Dumbledore’s tomb, and this made it easy to read, as it seemed to shine in the dark. Harry did not need to kneel or even approach very close to it to make out the words engraved upon it.

James Potter, born 27 March 1960, died 31 October 1981 // Lily Potter, born 30 January 1960, died 31 October 1981 // The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Deathly Hallows - page 268 - British Hardcover

uppsättning Slytherincess 10.04.2012 03:22

1 svar


Rowling har vid flera tillfällen bekräftat att det är hennes favoritlov:

"Halloween, you'd not be surprised to know, is my favorite holiday."


"I doubt if it will come as a surprise to anybody that I love Halloween. I usually hold a big Halloween party for my friends and their children."


Men det finns inte någon särskild betydelse förutom hennes glädje i det, vilket gör det lite olyckligt att vara ett dödsdatum. Jag tror att den huvudsakliga kopplingen till dödsfallet är All Hallows Eve med konnotationer av häxa och trolldom och implicita anslutningar till döden. Det finns en bra uppsats av händelser i böckerna med avseende på Halloween. Det gör en mycket bra punkt:

J.K. Rowling used Halloween in the earlier books a lot. It was relatively early in the school year, but late enough in the book for some of the plot to begin appearing. Not only was it at an ideal time, but it was also J.K. Rowling’s favorite holiday.

svaret ges 10.04.2012 03:32