Från Bake Off insiders avslöjar vad som verkligen går in i tältet :
In the first year the show moved from place to place every week. This year (2014) the tent was pitched in April at Welford Park in Berkshire for ten weeks.
"We try to record at weekends, because so many of our contestants have day jobs. They arrive, go into the tent, and bake for Mary and Paul. That’s it." says executive producer Anna Beattie.
Each episode is filmed over two days.
“We record the entire series before transmission,” says Beattie. “Of course, we then have to keep the winner a secret until the series ends. It is a risk, because it relies on everyone involved playing ball, but we trust people not to spoil it.”
(Observera att serien 2014 blev filmad från och med april, enligt ovanstående citat, och började luftas i augusti 2014.)