"The Good Work" av Theodore L. Thomas ; publiceras först Om , februari 1959 , vars fullständiga text finns på Internetarkiv .
Se vår tidigare historia-identifieringsfråga Utopia där ingen måste arbeta, men folk vill jobba ändå , vilket är där jag har allt detta svar.
Varje morgon kommer ett stort antal arbetare in i denna fabrik för att göra något slags oanvändbart arbete ... i mitt minne skruvas de i glödlampor
"Yes, Mr. Winthrop. We have a job for you, and the full six hours a day, too. You will be on the maintenance crew of your building. Your job is explained here—" he passed over a card—"and it consists of tightening the nuts on the expansion joints in the framework of the building. It is very important to do it right, so read the card carefully." Winthrop nodded eagerly.
och sedan kommer nattskiftet och försvinner bara allt arbete från föregående skift, så att morgonskiftet kan göra det hela
Winthrop walked in and the two men stood looking at each other. Winthrop was surprised at how well Barlow looked, and he said so.
Barlow laughed. "Yes, the last time we met I was pretty far down in the dumps. But I'm working, Jeremiah. I'm actually working. Important work, too!"
His enthusiasm was infectious and Winthrop found himself laughing. "I'm glad for you, John. And I know how you feel, because I'm working too."
There was an exchange of goodbyes, and Winthrop left.
Barlow went into the other room and came out immediately with his wrench. He waved it playfully at his wife. "Got to go," he said. "The loosening crew won't wait." And he blew a kiss at his wife and went off to work.