Identifiera DC Comic Book Med Alien Invasion / Occupation of Earth


Jag har försökt identifiera detta i flera år:

Jag kommer ihåg att läsa en DC-serietid någon gång under slutet av 90-talet, där en utomjordisk ras invaderar och upptar jorden.

Utlänningar ockuperar jorden i flera år, och superhjälten drivs under jord. De olika DC-hjältarna (Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman etc.) förenar sig med en mänsklig underjordisk / motståndskraft för att bekämpa ockupationen. Jag tror att Lex Luthor kanske ens har gått med i dem.

Jag kommer inte ihåg mycket andra detaljer, förutom att Superman på en gång förlorar sin cape på något sätt, och han dunkar en skyttegräs i stället.

Tack för hjälpen!

uppsättning sirswagalot 16.06.2017 20:26

1 svar


Detta är Elseworlds Super Seven storyline från 1994, som började i Supermanens äventyr (årligt volym 1 # 6) :

Bakre(iskugga): Metallex (Lex Luthors hjärna i Metallos kropp)
Middle (L-R): Superboy, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman Review Front (L-R): Flash (Wally West), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Den tvådelade berättelsen avslutades i Superboy (årligt volym 4 # 1) :

Bottom(LR):Flash(WallyWest),GreenLantern(HalJordan), Metallex , Batman

The Super Seven were formed from the remaining members of the former Justice League. The League had disbanded due to the earth being invaded by a group of alien bandits called the Malazza-Rem. At first they were able to hold the invaders off, but when their leader, Grend'll, issued a decree that every time a Meta-Human was seen, they would kill a thousand people, and five thousand more when one tried to fight back. The League continued to fight, and Coast City was destroyed as a result. This caused the humans to rebel against the Metas, and lead to the deaths of Oliver Queen, Shiera Sanders, and Carter Hall, and the breaking of The Flash's legs to a point where he could no longer run. After this, many heroes abandoned their cause, including: Ted Kord, Ray Palmer, J'onn J'onzz, and Wonder Woman. Later, at a demonstration for a new means of incapacitating humans, Lex Luthor calls in an airstrike from BlackHawk Defense, reasoning that since none of its members were Meta-Human or wore costumes that the Malazza-Rem would not attack them. This caused the death of Blackhawk's Dick Grayson, Selina Kyle, Slade Wilson, Jim Harper, and Ace Morgan. Grend'll then threw Luthor off of a building and ordered his body to be left there. Lana Lang then took Luthor's place as the Malazza-rem's representative to the humans.

Source: Super Seven (History) | DC Database

svaret ges 16.06.2017 21:08