50s (?) Novell med en pojke infekterad av ett virus, som frivilligt sprider invasionen


Jag försöker identifiera en novell som jag läste år sedan, där en liten pojke spelar i hans gård och blir smittad av ett virus (jag kan inte komma ihåg om han skär ner sig). Han har ett par dagar medan viruset sprider sig och tar över sin kropp - han är medveten om att det händer.

I slutet har han tagits över och kysser sin mamma, som tror att han är återhämtad för att sprida invasionen.

Jag tror att det var i en samling historier från omkring 1950-talet.

uppsättning Jelly 27.12.2017 10:54

1 svar


"Feberdröm" av Ray Bradbury har en pojke övertaget av mikrober efter att ha varit sjuk. Publiceringsdatumet 1948 är också lämpligt.

The story concerns Charles, a fifteen-year-old boy who is suffering from a severe illness. The local doctor diagnoses it as scarlet fever, but Charles protests that his hand has "changed" and is no longer under his control. He claims that he has been infected by microbes that are not only causing illness, but literally taking over his body and forming a new being. The doctor, however, assures Charles's parents that this is all in his imagination—a fever dream brought on by his illness.

Charles continues to lose control of his body—first his other hand, then his legs—but the doctor continues to assure him otherwise, and gives him antibiotics to deal with his problems. After Charles tries to choke himself, he is restrained to the bed by his parents. One night, Charles begins to lose control of his body, and he feels himself being taken over by the microbes.

The next morning, Charles appears fully recovered. He is pronounced completely healthy by the astonished doctor, whose hand Charles vigorously shakes. After the doctor leaves, however, Charles brushes his foot over a swarm of red ants on the floorboard in the carriage, killing them on contact. It appears that he has, indeed, been taken over by the microbes in his body.

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svaret ges 28.12.2017 17:23