How var exponeringen utsatt?


I början av The Last Jedi är motståndet i full reträtt. Från öppningsgranskningen:

The FIRST ORDER reigns. Having decimated the peaceful Republic, Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy.

Only General Leia Organa’s band of RESISTANCE fighters stand against the rising tyranny, certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight.

But the Resistance has been exposed. As the First Order speeds toward the rebel base, the brave heroes mount a desperate escape...."

Hur var resistansen exponerad exakt? Vad orsakade dem att evakuera?

uppsättning The Dark Lord 22.01.2018 00:13

2 svar


De utsattes för att de skickade ut en rekonstruktion för att hitta Starkiller-basen ...

“The scan data from Captain Snap Wexley’s reconnaissance flight confirms everything Finn has told us,” Poe announced to the group.
The Force Awakens novelization by Alan Dean Foster, Chapter XIV

... och det flyget spåras tillbaka till sin hemmabas:

Hux was clearly gratified to be the bearer of good news. “We were able to track their reconnaissance ship back to the Ileenium system. We are coordinating with our own reconnaissance craft in the area in order to lock down the specific location of their base.”
Snoke replied with cold satisfaction. “We do not need it. Prepare the weapon. Destroy their system.”
The Force Awakens novelization by Alan Dean Foster, Chapter XV


The general halted before the dais and bowed. “We were able to track their reconnaissance ship back to the Ileenium system. We are coordinating with our own spy vessels to lock down the specific location of their base.”
“We do not need it. Prepare the weapon. Destroy their system,” the Supreme Leader said.
The Force Awakens Junior Novelization by Michael Kogge, Ch 16

svaret ges 22.01.2018 00:53

Första ordern upptäckte deras plats innan förstörelsen av deras Starkiller Base i föregående film. Efter att ha misslyckats med att förstöra det med deras supervapen, tillgriper de till mer konventionella medel; skickar en stor flotta fartyg för att blåsa upp den från omlopp.

GENERAL HUX: We have their location. We tracked their reconnaissance ship to the Ileenium system.

SNOKE: Good. Then we will crush them once and for all. Prepare the weapon.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Som en fin liten påskägg vet vi äntligen hur den första ordningen kunde spåra motståndets skepp tillbaka till basen, förmodligen genom att använda hyperspace spårteknik som visas i The Last Jedi.

svaret ges 22.01.2018 00:47