Disney Canon:
Ja, och med avsikt så.
I den hemska Star Wars: Aftermath kanonversionsserien av Chuck Wendig, är Sinjir Rath Velus en före detta kejserlig lojalitetschef som har försvunnit till New Republic-sidan. Här är hans analys:
The prime operator within all Imperial ranks was the human being. “Aliens” were by and large unwelcome within its labyrinthine order because aliens were seen as different. They were serfs and slaves or, at best, obstacles. They needed to be tamed, removed, or ignored...
Sinjir felt the tug of that prejudice himself from time to time, for it was so programmed into them that even near-humans were to receive a measure of distrust. Palpatine and his propaganda machine worked to drive that nail of bigotry deeper by demonstrating how the old Jedi thugs and the scumfroth rebels consisted of many more nonhumans than humans. You could trust a human, the Empire said; aliens would always betray you.
Of course, over time Sinjir learned the foolishness of that, because as it turned out human beings were fairly horrible. Full of treachery! Just brimming with the stuff. He came to believe that the Empire’s corruption was precisely because it was xenophobic. It afforded no one any other voice, and so man and machine ruled the Empire together while the rest of the galaxy— despite being predominantly nonhuman in origin— suffered, powerless while under the twisting heel of the Imperial boot.
- Star Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt
En av Sinjirs nya allierade, Norra Wexley (en av piloterna som flög vid sidan om Millennium Falcon under attacken på den andra Death Star) delar Sinjirs uppfattning:
Kashyyyk is a prison planet. A worldwide labor camp. The Empire, in its xenophobic monstrousness, saw fit to imprison and enslave the Wookiees there not because they offered a meaningful threat to the Emperor’s ascendancy— but because they were different, and because their massive, robust physiology would allow them to work long and hard in extreme conditions. Probably took rather epic effort to work a Wookiee to death. Not that the Empire wouldn’t try, she wagers.
- ibid