Vad var en av Harry Potters inspirationskällor? [stängd]


Jag ville veta det här eftersom jag var nyfiken vad utlöstes J.K. Rowling att skriva detta.

uppsättning Harry Potter 06.12.2017 22:07

2 svar


Enligt Bloomsbury fick hon idén på en järnvägsstation.

JKRs biografi på Bloomsbury säger att hon först fick idén för Harry Potter-serien på en resa till Kings Cross Station.

J.K. Rowling first had the idea for Harry Potter while delayed on a train travelling from Manchester to London King’s Cross in 1990. Over the next five years, she began to plan out the seven books of the series. She wrote mostly in longhand and amassed a mountain of notes, many of which were on scraps of paper.

För specifika delar av berättelsen hänvisar hon ibland till specifika saker, till exempel att Hermione är en yngre version av sig själv, eller Lockhart är någon hon visste. Hon nämnde också att vissa folklore och mytologi inspirerade henne, som "The Pardoner's Tale" inspirerande historien om bröderna Peverell.

Mer allmänt säger hon att hon inte vet var hennes inspiration kommer från denna intervju .

THE question you are most frequently asked as an author is: "Where do you get your ideas from?" I find it very frustrating because, speaking personally, I haven't got the faintest idea where my ideas come from, or how my imagination works. I'm just grateful that it does, because it gives me more entertainment than it gives anyone else.

svaret ges 06.12.2017 22:15

Flera gånger J. K. Rowling ställdes här i intervjuer, men även hon vet inte riktigt. Den mest relevanta är förmodligen en något dålig 1999-intervju :

What inspired the Harry Potter series?

I really don't know where the idea came from. It came into my mind when I was on a train to London. Harry as a character came fully formed, as did the idea for his sidekicks, the characters of Ron and Hermione. It started with Harry, then all these characters and situations came flooding into my head. It was an excitement I'd never known before. The characters arrived in 1990, but it took me six years to write the book.

Den här frågan från FAQ på hennes gamla hemsida är också relevant:

Where do you get your ideas?

This is the question every author is asked most. The answer is ‘out of my head’, but people don’t seem very satisfied with that, it’s too boring, even though it’s true. I suppose an idea might be triggered by something you see or hear, though I can’t remember an instance of that happening to me. For me, the most idea-producing-situation is to be sitting in a fairly quiet corner of a café, looking down at a nice blank sheet of paper, with a big mug of tea slightly to the left and a new pen clutched in my right hand.

svaret ges 06.12.2017 22:16